2025 Birthday Bash Prompt Fills by silmalope
Fanwork Notes
Some very short sketch fills for the daily prompts — like an instadrabble, but with art!
Content warning applies for prompt fill 3.17: slavery, underweight character. To help you scroll past if needed, the top notes for that image include a second heads-up.
Fanwork Information
Description: Sketches inspired by the 2025 Birthday Bash challenge prompts! Major Characters: Major Relationships: Genre: Type: Challenges: Birthday Bash Rating: Creator Chooses Not to Rate Warnings: Check Notes for Warnings, Creator Chooses Not to Warn |
Posted on 14 March 2025 | Updated on 21 March 2025 |
Wake, Butterfly
For the 3.14 prompt poem Wake, butterfly – / it’s late, we’ve miles / to go together, I drew Melian mourning the death of Thingol. I’ve always associated her with butterflies for some reason, and it occurred to me that for a Maia, even the thousands of years she spent with her love would feel far too short. So I interpreted the poem as her inner thoughts, unable to bear the thought of journeying on alone.
Bloodshot and Hungry
WARNINGS APPLY: in-universe slavery, underweight character
For the 3.17 prompt “I used to think I had no message, but the message is me — bloodshot and hungry …” I drew Túor enduring harsh treatment as a thrall in Hithlum. While the Silm focuses on his heroic and glorious moments as a lord of Gondolin and messenger of Ulmo, I think it’s interesting to look at how his resilience is informed by the hardships of his youth.
The Snow of Yesterday
For the 3.18 prompt poem The snow of yesterday / that fell like cherry blossoms / is water once again, I drew Finrod newly returned from the Halls of Mandos, looking down at his unscarred hands with mixed emotions. I think he might struggle with the idea that he has no physical traces left of the years and experiences that mattered most to him.
A Comfortable Music
For the 3.20 prompt each life as a flower, / as common as a field daisy and as singular, / and each name a comfortable music in the mouth, / tending, as all music does, toward silence, I drew an affectionate Beren and Lúthien in their older years. I love that they fought so hard just for the joy of spending life’s mundane little moments together.
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