Love Over Gold by Keiliss

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Fanwork Notes

This was for the 2015 Ardor in August swap. Mawgy asked for something based on a fairytale, legend or well-known story and featuring Erestor and Glorfindel. Who knows? Perhaps this reworking of the Little Mermaid (not quite as dark as the original fairytale but no fluff and absolutely no talking fish) is the true tale of how they met.

Fanwork Information


Glorfindel meets a strange being beside the sea at Mithlond and is amazed months later when Erestor makes his way to Imladris to find him. But for everything, there is a price.


Major Characters: Celebrían, Elrond, Erestor, Glorfindel, Ossë, Uinen, Ulmo

Major Relationships:

Genre: Drama, Mystery, Romance

Challenges: With a Bit of Fairy Dust

Rating: Adult

Warnings: Sexual Content (Moderate)

Chapters: 4 Word Count: 15, 811
Posted on 8 September 2016 Updated on 12 October 2016

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on Love Over Gold

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I know I reviewed this at a different location, but your posting it here just presented me with a wonderful opportunity to dive back into it. No hardship at all! 


I adore the characterizations you've got going here - the dichotomy of both elves in their areas of strength and their times of concerned uncertainty. They ring clear and their relationship with each other resonates in harmony. I now have had the opportunity to read both Chapters 1 and 2 and I'm so very happy with where you have the story going. You're not shying away from the sexual aspects, but also exploring the growth of this most surreal relationship between two of my favorite characters. 


Thank you for writing this. It's a joy to read and I look forward to more chapters. 


- Erulisse (one L)

Erulisse, I'm so sorry I didn't respond sooner. Life's been crazy and the wheels rather came off for a bit there (I've barely been online and it took me till now to put the third chapter up). I'll treasure your thoughtful review - characterizations were very important to me in writing this, I wanted to be true to who (and what) they were as well as who they would grow into in the end.  The sex was important for that too, for what it said about the way their relationship progressed (and because Erestor rather set it up in the first scene, when I'd been innocently assuming I was going to write a 'light teen' story *g*). I'm flattered you're reading it again, it's a special treat to receive feedback twice on a story. Thank you so much.

Heartwrenching for both of them, I fear. You've drawm me so totally into the story and these two characters whom I love so. Bravo to Celebrian for recognizing one of Ulmo's own in her student. Sage words of advice at the end. 


Next chapter quickly, please???? 


- Erulisse (one L)

Quickly didn't happen, because I utterly fail :(   I'll post the final chapter tomorrow (I cannot fight with SWG late at night, it's too harrowing, lol)

This was the point where I wondered if the story should even have a happy ending, after all the original Little Mermaid had a miserable resolution :D. I love Celebrian. I started writing her by accident mainly, but she's grown into one of my favourite people. She must have met so many people, seen so many places, before she settled down with Elrond. 

I'm very sorry to see this come to an end, although it was satisfying and had lovely twists and turns. I loved this tale of unexpected love and triumphs and I'll remember this as one of my favorite Glorfindel/Erestor tales - a pairing that I adore. Thanks for writing this, each chapter read made my day. 


- Erulisse (one L)

Through the course of reading this, I wondered if, and how, you would reveal Erestor's true feelings. I was not expecting a confrontation with a Maia or Valar. It's amazing how much more effective romance is in a setting where, if you were to proclaim to your love that you would fight the gods for them, there are actual gods for you to fight.

Also, love the inteaction between Ulmo and Osse.

Ehh, I do not have experience writing Ulmo or Osse (though he and Uinen were a great couple and just wrote their own lines).  I was horrified by the prompt, swore I couldn't do a thing with it, and then somehow this story found me and I fell in love with the idea of Ulmo's children and a fey sea-being finding love and a home far from the ocean. I am so glad you enjoyed it, it's one of my personal favourites (partly because there was some hard writing growth involved in getting it out :D)