A "natural" disaster by Yirth-kaio

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Fanwork Notes

Originally written for B2MEM 2010 - challenge about natural disasters.

Fanwork Information


"Natural disaster" is such a broad term... ;)

Major Characters: Manwë

Major Relationships:

Genre: Humor


Rating: General


Chapters: 1 Word Count: 220
Posted on 15 June 2010 Updated on 15 June 2010

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on A "natural" disaster

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*snortswithlaughter* This is amazing... :D Especially "Eonwe’s being involved in yet another duel" - which is now my headcanon - and the ending notes: "No reporter was killed during the writing." Oh dear... :) *applauds*

Question: This is probably really stupid (especially coming from one who's read the Silmarillion over and over again) but who is Laure? The only person I can think of with "laure" in their names is Makalaure (Maglor), but he doesn't seem to fit. 

Thanks for your review! I am glad you liked my story that much =)

As for your question, Laure was a  fan-made character, but not mine... he was MAnwe's maia, but he went to the dark side... here, in this story, he's back in Valinor, but his ways seem to be not very changed, so.. ;) you get the point