A "natural" disaster by Yirth-kaio
Fanwork Notes
Originally written for B2MEM 2010 - challenge about natural disasters.
Chapter 1 & the only
Read Chapter 1 & the only
“Could you make any comment on the recent series of hurricanes, Your Majesty?”
The Vala winced and sighed. These newspaper guys were really annoying.
“Should I ever comment on them?” he asked coldly. “And… what newspaper are you from?”
“Tirion Weekly News!” the elf replied with a daring smile. “So, lord Manwe… anything to say about it? You know, several buildings were destroyed completely, some ships sank, lots of damage everywhere…”
“I know,” the Vala interrupted, expecting another wave of headache. “What do you want from me?”
“I’d like to know if you have any connection to those disastrous events.”
“As a lord of winds I surely have…” Manwe allowed himself a sarcastic smile. “But all in all…” he paused, browsing through the memories of past few weeks… a telling-off from Eru... a “slight” disagreement with Varda… Eonwe’s being involved in yet another duel… and finally Laure’s quiet but bold celebration of Ilse, the Day of Silver, one of the festivals of the Dark…
The elf-reporter waited.
“Well…?” he demanded after a minute of silence.
“Ah! Sorry… well, all in all it was… just a natural disaster!”
The elf understood Manwe’s glance perfectly well and left the palace almost running… to be nearly blown away by another storm…
Chapter End Notes
No reporter was killed during the writing.
(1) Comment by Araloth the Random for A "natural" ... [Ch 1]
Oh dear. I wouldn't want to be that Elf reporter! =D
Re: (1) Comment by Araloth the Random for A "natural" ... [Ch 1]
He was not harmed I swear =) But sometimes... the elements are so hard to control! *rolls eyes*
Thank you very much for reading and reviewing!
(2) Comment by mistrali for A "natural" disaster [Ch 1]
I can't say I entirely blame Manwe. ;) I like your portrayal of him as temperamental and less than patient: he reminds me a bit of Lord Vetinari. As Araloth said, I wouldn't want to cross him in a bad mood.
Re: (2) Comment by mistrali for A "natural" disaster [Ch 1]
Thanks for the review ;) I am glad you liked this a-bit-out-of-canon portrayal of His Majesty!
(3) Comment by Mirlasse for A "natural" disaster [Ch 1]
*snortswithlaughter* This is amazing... :D Especially "Eonwe’s being involved in yet another duel" - which is now my headcanon - and the ending notes: "No reporter was killed during the writing." Oh dear... :) *applauds*
Question: This is probably really stupid (especially coming from one who's read the Silmarillion over and over again) but who is Laure? The only person I can think of with "laure" in their names is Makalaure (Maglor), but he doesn't seem to fit.
Re: (3) Comment by Mirlasse for A "natural" disaster [Ch 1]
Thanks for your review! I am glad you liked my story that much =)
As for your question, Laure was a fan-made character, but not mine... he was MAnwe's maia, but he went to the dark side... here, in this story, he's back in Valinor, but his ways seem to be not very changed, so.. ;) you get the point