Wish Fulfilment by Himring
Fanwork Notes
(Names: Russandol=Maedhros; Findekano=Fingon)
Fanwork Information
Summary: Once again, Maedhros steals a boat, but this time he's got Fingon with him. Holiday-ish. Fingon/Maedhros, but nevertheless Teens (anything else must be supplied by your own imagination...) Major Characters: Fingon, Maedhros Major Relationships: Genre: Humor, Romance, Slash/Femslash Challenges: Rating: Teens Warnings: Sexual Content (Mild) This fanwork belongs to the series |
Chapters: 1 | Word Count: 684 |
Posted on 12 August 2010 | Updated on 12 August 2010 |
This fanwork is complete. |
Chapter 1
Read Chapter 1
‘You’re having to do all the work’, he complains softly at my feet.
‘Sorry, you’ll have to stay where you are’, I answer. ‘You’re the one who always insists on extra discretion. We’ll be a lot more conspicuous if you raise your head above the gunwale.’
Besides, this is a rowing boat. If anyone is capable of figuring out how to use oars effectively with only one hand, it might be Russandol. But I have no intention of spending any time in the immediate future watching him try.
He makes an impatient sound.
‘The curse of the redhead—yet again!’
‘Sh-sh! You know I love your hair!’
‘Ah well... Just when I’d decided to go and dye it a nice unobtrusive black. I guess I’ll have to put up with it a while longer for your sake.’
I need to pay less attention to him and more to the oars or we’ll be going round in circles. That might be fun, too, but wasn’t quite the plan.
When I told him about the dream I’d had, he looked a little wistful and said: ‘This one, at least, we could make come true. We’re already here. The weather seems to be cooperating. And it would only take an hour or two.’
So we spontaneously borrowed the boat. I’ll pay for its use when we come back. After I’ve smuggled my conspicuous redhead out of sight, that is.
He seems to have resigned himself to uselessness. He has settled into the stern and is watching me row. There isn’t much else he’s able to see from where he is, I guess, but, judging by his expression, he’s reasonably satisfied with the view.
Under the influence of that gaze, I find myself making a production of it, showing off my rowing skills. In truth, they are no more than just about middling, but who cares? I grin at him, and he smiles back, a little lazily—really relaxing now. I could just carry on and row him all the way around the lake? No, we haven’t got that much time.
It’s just after noon. The Sun glares down on the water of Lake Mithrim as if she’s completely forgotten that this is supposed to be cool rainy Hithlum. The shore, which was almost empty of people when we stole the boat, now seems completely deserted, and so does the lake. Sensibly, all the fishermen have gone home for a nap or for lunch. Nobody’s missing their solid well-caulked rowing-boat just yet.
There is no wind and, except for the ripples made by the oars, the surface of the water is calm and glassy. We’re not quite in the middle of the lake yet, but far enough out so that we ought to just be an indistinct smudge on the horizon in the eyes of anyone who happens to wander along the bank, unless they look really hard. At any rate, it feels private out here: just us, water and blue sky. I haul in the oars and stow them safely.
‘This is the spot’, I tell him.
‘Is it? Here?’
He looks up at me a bit uncertainly. Maybe it’s occurred to him that a dream might be difficult to compete against. If so, he’s worrying unnecessarily, because I’ve already enjoyed all this much more than I did the dream itself. In the dream, part of me always knew he wasn’t really there.
‘So, should I be doing anything in particular?’, he asks me seriously.
Apparently, he’s keen to try and get this right.
‘Not really. Just stretch out a little more. Moisten your lips. Yes, like that. Now—remember you’re about to be kissed very, very thoroughly. You should be concentrating on that already. So try to concentrate. Imagine...’
Yes! I knew I could make him say it in exactly that tone of voice.
‘Marvellous ‘, I say happily.
Then I slip off the rowing bench and join him in the bottom of the boat.
(1) Comment by oshun for Wish Fulfilment [Ch 1]
I have to borrow a common comment from a somewhat younger and more exuberant fandom (BBC Merlin)--"that is just so hot! Wow." Fingon is adorable and I am quite sure that Maedhros thinks so too. Thanks for sharing.
Re: (1) Comment by oshun for Wish Fulfilment [Ch 1]
Coming from the all-time winner of the Most Adorable Fingon award (if there had even been a contest), that's quite something! Thank you!
(2) Comment by Alasse for Wish Fulfilment [Ch 1]
Hello! This will be a general review of your stories, I hope you don't mind :P
First of all, let me tell you that even though I found your stories a while ago while looking for Fingon/Maedhros fics I only read them all recently. It was the title of the series, with Doom and Gloom, that made me suspect this was an emo!Maedhros series. When I finally gave it a chance I couldn't stop reading, and regretted not doing it sooner. I created an account partly so I could review it.
One of the things I loved the most was the angst. I'm trying to find the right words to describe it (English not being my first language)... It's not overwhelming; it’s more like a feeling: something that’s always there, even in the more light-hearted stories like this one, because we all know how it’s going to end. The stories are so bittersweet (often more bitter than sweet, in my opinion), they really make my heart ache. And yet I keep coming for more, haha.
I love the Fëanorians, and I love how you wrote them. You managed to write about them (and Maedhros in particular. Oh, how I love your Maedhros!) in a sympathetic way without disregarding what they did. They don’t wallow in their misery, there’s no whining (which contributes to my reasons for loving the angst here, and was what I feared I’d find based on the title). I don’t remember in which story Maedhros thinks about how much he loves his family (uncles and cousins included) and that’s something I look for in fics involving the Finwëans. Heh, they truly are the definition of ‘dysfunctional family’.
My favourite has to be A Long Time Falling, for the depiction of the relationship of Maedhros and Maglor and the way you showed us the slow decent into madness and despair… both were strong characters, but I think that the death of Fingon was the starting point for Maedhros’ final fall (followed by the death of his brothers and finally the rejection of the Silmaril) and that it all became too much for Maglor once Maedhros started to slip.
On a side note, I’m happy Fingon and Maedhros are reunited again… In my mind, Maedhros manages to find peace with his past and live happily ever after with his cousin (and Maglor, because he’ll come back. And Elrond will also pop up once in a while beause I like his relationship with the brotehrs). I do love happy endings…
So, to sum up, I love your writing and look forward to your next story :D
Re: (2) Comment by Alasse for Wish Fulfilment [Ch 1]
Thank you so much for this wonderful review! I'm really grateful to you for engaging with the whole arc and taking the time to comment on it. You have clearly read my stories so attentively and sympathetically and picked up on all the points that were most important to me in writing these stories! I very much appreciate being told that I managed to get them across so successfully.