"Lilac" & other ficlets by Himring

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Fanwork Notes



Fanwork Information


An attempt at interior decoration leads to something else.

Now added: "Did the Earth Move...?" (another ficlet set in Valinor)

Major Characters: Fingon, Maedhros

Major Relationships:

Genre: Humor, Romance, Slash/Femslash


Rating: Teens

Warnings: Sexual Content (Mild)

This fanwork belongs to the series

Chapters: 2 Word Count: 277
Posted on 30 January 2011 Updated on 20 December 2014

This fanwork is a work in progress.

Chapter 1

Read Chapter 1

He enters the room with his arms full of flowering branches and stops in front of the heavy stoneware jug on the corner table. Carefully, he picks out first one branch, then another, and arranges these in the vase. He steps back to study the effect; then he accurately positions a third.

At once, he turns towards me.

‘You do not like it?’, he asks, a little anxiously, ‘You used to be fond of lilac, so I thought... But I suppose that was a long time ago?’

I really just wanted him to regard me with as much attention as he was giving the flowers. Now he does...

‘They are lovely, Maitimo. That is, the branches in the vase are. The branches you are still holding, on the other hand—they bother me a little. They are rather in the way.’

He looks down at them. Is that, perhaps, a smile? When he looks up again, he is entirely straight-faced.

‘It could be much worse’, he informs me, gravely.

‘Could it?’

‘Yes. They could be holly.’

A quarter of an hour later, the couch is strewn with crushed petals and heavily scented with lilac.

Chapter End Notes

If read as part of the series, this episode takes place in Tirion after Maedhros's reincarnation and marks a stage in his recovery from severe trauma. The house they are living in is Fingon's.

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"Did the Earth Move...?"

In Valinor, a long time ahead...

Can be read as a sequel to "Lilac" or an independent piece, as you wish.

Read "Did the Earth Move...?"

Since last they were together like this, the earth has moved. Tectonic plates have shifted, whole continents have sunk beneath the sea—the very fabric of Arda has buckled and bent.

'I still please you,' says Maedhros to Fingon.

The careful phrasing cannot hide his intense relief. In the grand scheme of things—in the face of Fingon's enduring love and a loyalty that has survived across millennia—this should be a minor detail, perhaps. But it matters.

'You retain your gift for understatement,' replies Fingon, well content.

Chapter End Notes

In case you need a bit of background on the title:


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