
"Because we have to," said Idril. The note of finality in her voice told Tuor that there was no sense arguing. "This is how it's been done for as long as I can remember. It's a tradition. The Eldar always celebrate Tarnin Austa this way, which means that this is the right way to do it."
"I'm not arguing the rightness of the tradition," Tuor replied, holding up his hands in a gesture of peace. "All I'm suggesting is that maybe a ceremony that lasts from midnight until dawn, and during which everyone must be silent, isn't the best place for a baby. I think it would be better for everyone if I stayed home with Eärendil."
"I went when I was a baby."
"How do you know? You were a baby and wouldn't remember. Perhaps your parents left you at home and only told you that you went."
Idril gave him a look ferocious enough to quell even Morgoth. "What?"
"Or," he said quickly, "maybe we should leave right now so we find a good place to stand near the front before everyone else arrives. Dearest."
True to Tuor's word, they arrived at the great city square with plenty of time to choose a prime spot for the ceremony that would welcome summer. At midnight, all speech ceased and the folk of Gondolin stood in silence as they awaited the dawn.
Eärendil wailed throughout.
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