
Galdor read the words on the parchment and knew what it was to feel both guilt and shame. His quill hovered at the ready, though he hesitated to touch its ink to the page. If he signed his name on this document, it would shatter the promise he had made to Egalmoth.
An oath of loyalty made to a friend was a thing not easily cast aside, yet here he stood, contemplating that exact action. Through the years, Egalmoth had been nothing but kind to him, even when Galdor least deserved it. Egalmoth was a true and loyal friend. He was as good as family and the closest thing to a brother Galdor had ever known. And this was how Galdor repaid him: with treachery, deceit, and hollow promises.
But it could not be avoided. Closing his eyes and gritting his teeth, Galdor scrawled his name across the bottom of the page.
There. It is done. And it is a cruel deed, but one I must do for my own sake.
He opened his eyes and read, once again, the words on the parchment. They said:
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Forgive me, Egalmoth, he thought to himself as he turned his back and walked away. But you are a lousy netball captain, and this year I want to be on a team that stands a chance of winning.
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