Laurië Lassi – Golden Leaves by Esteliel

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Losgar Passport Stamp
Defiance is defined as the willingness to contend or fight. Write a story or poem or create artwork where the characters defy authority in some way.


Laurefindil's carefully braided hair had partially unraveled. The events of the night had left their mark on him, too; a new, hard light of determination shone in his eyes, a bag of hastily packed clothes sat at his feet, and he proudly wore a sword girded around his waist.

Finórë looked at it in sorrow. It was a fine blade – forged by Fëanáro himself; given to his son as a gift by Findaráto. Now it meant death.

“You might never return.”

“I swear we will meet again, atto. But I cannot be a slave. I must go.”

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