B2ME Day 14 - Presentations by Erulisse

Fanwork Information


BwME Day 14 - explore rites or rituals.  Feanor presents his son to the only Power that matters to him.  

Major Characters: Fëanor, Maedhros, Nerdanel

Major Relationships:

Artwork Type: No artwork type listed

Genre: Drama

Challenges: B2MeM 2011

Rating: General


Chapters: 1 Word Count: 637
Posted on 17 March 2011 Updated on 17 March 2011

This fanwork is complete.

Chapter 1

Read Chapter 1






It was the tradition for the Royal Houses to present their newborn children to the Valar during a formal visit to Manwë’s palace on Taniquetil.  Finwë had presented Fëanáro, Nolofinwë and Arafinwë, to them in just such a manner over the years.  Fëanáro, however, changed the rules. 

Although he respected the Valar, indeed he had worked by the side of Aulë for many years, he decided to bypass the Valar and importune the prayers for his child directly to the Source of All.  He felt that the prayers for his House and his child should be focused directly towards Ilúvatar himself. 

Therefore, one week after the birth of Maitimo, Fëanáro and Nerdanel wrapped him in soft blankets and walked together to a secluded grove, deep in the woods.  Fëanáro carried a small lantern that he swung back and forth matching the rhythm of the welcoming song that he was singing.  Nerdanel, carrying their son, sang counterpoint to his melody and had a pure silver ewer tied to her belt. 

Arriving at the glade, they went directly to a small spring of sweet water that splashed gently from between two stones on a soft hillock, making a small pool that sank underground after a few feet.  Above the spring was a metal hook where Fëanáro hung the lamp.  He then took his son from the arms of his wife and, continuing the song, gently removed the blankets from the babe, placing them and his son on the hillock behind the spring. 

Nerdanel untied the ewer while her husband was busy with their babe.  Going to the spring, she filled the ewer with the water as it issued from the stones.  Then, joining Fëanáro at the top of the hillock she began pouring a thin stream from the ewer around them and the spring, enclosing all of them and the spring in an unbroken circle of water. 

Fëanáro drew his dagger and plunging it into the ewer, sprinkled drops onto his wife, his son, and finally himself.  Then, taking the dagger in his right hand, he cut across the palm of his left hand, following that action by doing the same to Nerdanel.  Placing their left hands together, palm to palm, they promised to watch over their child, to ensure that he knew he was a child of love, and to protect him from all evil as best they could.  Then, cutting across the tiny palm of Maitimo, Fëanáro and Nerdanel each placed their palm against their son’s palm, engraving their promise to him in their blood. 

Finally, together they grasped him and raised the child above them, requesting that Ilúvatar watch and guide their son, and that He take note of their oaths both to each other and to Eru above. 

For each of their children, in turn, did Fëanáro and Nerdanel perform this ritual, but for each one it was more difficult for Nerdanel to gather the strength to walk into the forest and present him.  The physical exhaustion caused by bearing and birthing each child was harder and harder for her because she could not renew her energies as could Fëanáro.  She was not driven by a spirit of fire as he was.  Instead, each sculpture was harder to make, each trip was more draining to take, and each task bled more stamina from her depleted reserves. 

Now, bringing the twins to the glade for the presentation ritual, Nerdanel knew that she could do no more; her body had endured enough.  Although she had no regrets, and her children were the love and focus of her life; she knew that it was time.  Soon after the twins were weaned, Nerdanel left the house of Fëanáro, returning to the house of her father.  And it is written that “they became estranged”.  


Chapter End Notes

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Writers disagree about why the two of them split up.  I tend to think that each pregnancy pulled a great deal out of Nerdanel, and that usually the husband would help to replace some of that strength.  But after six pregnancies...well, anyone would be exhausted, even an elf.  Thanks for reading and reviewing, your words are as pearls cast in front of me :-)

- Erulisse (one L)