B2ME Day 22 - Refugees by Erulisse

Fanwork Information


B2ME Day 22 - A story about refugees.  Not all elves who left the east actually travelled to the West.  A story of one of the "dark" elves.  

Major Characters: Original Character(s)

Major Relationships:

Artwork Type: No artwork type listed

Genre: Drama

Challenges: B2MeM 2011

Rating: General


Chapters: 1 Word Count: 300
Posted on 24 March 2011 Updated on 24 March 2011

This fanwork is complete.

Chapter 1

Read Chapter 1


Seeking for a Home

Calimwë had left the Waters of Life with his people, following a dream. When his kinsman Lenwë had desired to venture south rather than travel with the remainder to the western shore, he left with this smaller group and went south along the great river. Many happy years were spent dwelling alongside the rushing waters, and here he met his spouse, the one who made him complete.

In later days, Denethor, the son of Lenwë, desired to resume traveling to the west. So Calimwë took up his pack and, joined by his spouse, followed his leader to meet another new, yet old, people; those of the elf now known as Elu Thingol. He and his wife were welcomed as if they were long lost kindred, and invited to share equally in both hearth and home with those who dwelled in Menegroth.

However, evil and mistrust came, even into those enchanted halls, and death came again to those who were deathless. This time it walked upon iron-shod feet as Elu Thingol was slain for a mere bauble; the Nauglamír set with the Silmaril retrieved by that most celebrated of Eruhíni, Beren, son of Barahir, and his beloved, the fair Lúthien. Fear stalked the Thousand Halls and once more Calimwë quickly assembled his few possessions, took his pack, and left. His spouse of many years remained behind him, her blood blending with that of others slain, splattered haphazardly amidst the carved pillars of the central hall.

He now was wandering again, an elf with no home to call his own and no people to whom he could swear allegiance. He wondered, as he walked towards the forests of the east, whether any peace could be found in this land spattered with the blood of his people.


Chapter End Notes


1 – Elu Thingol was attacked and slain by dwarves who he had invited to work within Menegroth to refashion the Nauglamír of Finrod, adding the Silmaril to it. Although most of the dwarves were slain as they tried to return to Nogrod, a few did make it back where they gathered reinforcements and returned, in force, to Menegroth.
2 – Doriath was sacked two times; once after Elu Thingol was slain and Melian had left by the Dwarves of Nogrod, and the second time by the elves led by the sons of Fëanor. Both times, acquiring the Silmaril was the goal.


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I think that it is difficult for any refugee - back in their times, and in our current times.  My parents were refugees, and they remembered how incredibly difficult it was to build a life from next to nothing until the day they died.  I feel for the situation of anyone who no longer has a place to call home, but instead must wander to find a place of safety.  

Thank you for reading and reviewing, I appreciate it VERY much.  

- Erulisse (one L)


I do like this. It isn't absolutely necessary to know to appreciate the story, of course, but you don't explain how Calimwe came to take the decision to join Thingol in Menegroth when most of Denethor's people seem to have chosen Ossiriand instead. Did he do so after Denethor's death in battle?

I'm not really sure, Calimwe didn't tell me.  But in Doriath he ended up, and in Doriath he had an opportunity to be part of history - not a celebrated history, rather a bloody one, but history nonetheless.  Thank you so much for reading and reviewing.  I appreciate it VERY much. 

- Erulisse (one L)


It's very difficult to be a refugee.  I come from a family of refugees and the horror stories were very much there in the background.  I am glad that my character worked for you.  Thanks for reading and reviewing - answering your reviews is most certainly better than putting clean sheets on my bed :-)

- Erulisse (one L)