Shades of Optimism by Himring

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Chapter 1

The jewel was crafted by Feanor, he retained it in his possession and he did not relinquish it except through robbery and murder. Surely one of your nobility and stature would not stoop to profit even indirectly from the slaying of your friend Finwe by Morgoth?

‘You think that this appeal to his pride will work?’

‘Well, he hates anything associated with our father so much that he has banned even the language that he, besides many others, happened to speak. Besides, it is common knowledge that he never wanted the Silmaril in the first place. What he really wanted was Luthien securely confined and Beren conveniently dead—and rather unfortunately, our brothers tried to arrange just that...  So, on consideration, I think that we have about as much chance of obtaining the jewel from Thingol as a snowflake on a Balrog’s backside. I wager my letter will go down in Sindarin history as the most impudent demand ever made of the King of Doriath. But, you know, it had to be written.’

Chapter End Notes


Okay, I admit I'm probably guilty of special pleading here (or slightly uncanonical). Also, I guess it's  blindingly obvious, but this is not intended as a balanced and judicious account of the aims of Celegorm and Curufin (not even by Maedhros, that is).

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