Troll Guard by Erulisse

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Fanwork Notes


Disclaimer:  Tolkien built the sandbox, I only play with the bucket and shovel that he left for me.  No money, profit or non, is made from the publication of this story.  


Fanwork Information


A drabble written for the Tolkien Weekly Challenge - Fell Creatures - Trolls.  



Battle plans are laid for the Nirnaeth Arnoediad.  


Major Characters: Gothmog, Melkor

Major Relationships:

Genre: Drama


Rating: General


Chapters: 1 Word Count: 152
Posted on 4 May 2011 Updated on 4 May 2011

This fanwork is complete.


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Wow, fear the trolls! lol, i never pictured a balrog being civil enough to sit down for strategy meetings! The only thing I'm unusre about is what Morgoth said "Cause them great lamentation, making my vengance etc" It seems too...well...sensible. My understanding (which is most likely incorect in several places) was that the longer Morgoth stayed corporeal the less power he had, and the deeper into crazy he fell. I just think of him always as all "Kill eveyrthing that moves!!!!!!" What I mean, i guess, is that it seems from what he's saying that he doesn't expect a down-to-the-last bloodbath, but just making a really really big dent in their forces. I like what that made him seem though, like he's already realized he can't win this war or attrition and has instead just decided, like a cornered animal, to get as many chunks of flesh off his attacker as he can before he dies. And so ends this long-winded review ^^; sorry!

Well, since this is one battle that Morgoth won, big time, I think Gothmog will automatically kill everything that moves.  But when you get into the actual battle and plot it out, it was very much planned, and if everything had actually fallen the way that Maedhros had originally planned, it quite possibly have turned into an elven victory.  There were some major problems headlined by the fact that Doriath committed no warriors and that the Easterlings were traitors to Maedhros even though they originally were slotted to be staunch allies.  And, I must admit, saying "Cause great lamentation" has a much nicer ring to it than "Kill everything that moves." LOL.  

Thanks for reading and reviewing, I really appreciated your thoughts :-)

- Erulisse (one L)


Now that's the pragmatic Gothmog I know and love! :^D  Don't be surprised if this winds up in a future Gothmog and Draugluin comic.  I like Melkor's grand eloquence, "Go forth..."  Very much in character, or at least as I see the character in my more serious dabblings with him (as opposed to the cartoon Evil Ward Cleaver).


Thanks so much, Pande.  If you do a G&D comic on this, please let me know so that I can make sure to take a look :-)  I figured this is a character that has existed since before the formation of Ea and he might be just a BIT pretentious - LOL.  Thanks for reading and reviewing.  

- Erulisse (one L)