One Hundred Words About Maedhros by Himring

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Fanwork Notes


Teens (any adult content to be supplied by the reader's imagination).

For additional comments on each drabble, see chapter notes.

Fanwork Information


Drabbles in my 'Doom' series. Not necessarily gloomy!

100 words according to Word.

Last added: Deadlier.

Major Characters: Elrond, Fingon, Maedhros

Major Relationships:

Genre: Fixed-Length Ficlet, General, Romance, Slash/Femslash


Rating: Teens


This fanwork belongs to the series

Chapters: 9 Word Count: 1, 016
Posted on 28 May 2011 Updated on 12 November 2021

This fanwork is complete.

Tactless Reminder

Time, alcohol, love, certainty.


[Name: Findekano=Fingon (Quenya)]

Read Tactless Reminder

He has been careful with alcohol for centuries; the risk of blurting out the wrong truth at the wrong moment is too high. Love can engender a similar range of symptoms, though—and so he finds himself helplessly clutching at Findekano and exhorting him with the earnestness of a drunkard: One whole night! We need to make it count. We need to be making the best of it we can.

What a lapse! But Findekano—bless him for his certainties, how can he be so sure of things?—just grips him even harder and murmurs: We already are. We are.

Chapter End Notes

My second ever drabble. (The first remains unposted.)

In terms of the series, this is set a few years after the Dagor Bragollach and Fingon will be leaving Himring the following morning.

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Maedhros after midnight. Memory.

Read Chained


He wakes and finds himself in a constricted space, unable to move his arms. Are they tied?

His nerves scream a warning: Don’t! Convulsively, he inhales and warns himself again, carefully, deliberately: Don’t lash out, until you know where you are.

Clean air.  A pillow underneath his head.  A familiar presence, stirring.  A weight lifts off his chest.  The constriction eases. His arms are free.

A beloved voice asking, worried: ‘What is it?’

He cannot see anything, but that is only because there is no light.

‘Nothing’, he says firmly, reaches out and draws Findekano’s arm back across his chest.


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As the title indicates, this forms a pair with the preceding drabble.

Fingon's POV.

A little more adult, but not "adult".

Read Unchained


‘You are getting rather good at this, you know,’ he says, teasing me gently for my enthusiasm, conscious that he himself is not—not always.

Sometimes, in the midst of things, a little shudder will run through him, the wrong kind. His muscles tense, in the wrong sort of way. His expression, for a moment, goes blank.

He pushes his forehead against my shoulder in mute apology. I hold him as lightly as I can, resting my fingertips between his shoulder blades, until his body responds to my touch again.

And so he allows me a part in this, also.

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Fingon on Greed

Mixing observations on cultural differences and romance.


Read Fingon on Greed

Fingon to Maedhros:

Like you, I was raised to abundance and taught the virtue of abstention. Always refuse the second helping. And even on the Ice, if I starved more than others, I did so by choice, saving food for those who were weaker. Royalty imposes its obligations.

When we arrived in Beleriand, I was startled to see Sindarin hunters gorging themselves on venison. They, however, were puzzled by my astonishment.

‘There may be no game tomorrow’, they explained, reasonably.

So let me be greedy tonight, beloved, for both our sakes, for do we not both fear there will be no game tomorrow?

Chapter End Notes

Perhaps this drabble is not quite covered by the title, but it does go with the rest of the series, I think.

"Greed is good" was a prompt for last year's B2MeM (2011).

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Fingon's Dream

Fingon wakes up.

Rating: Teens

Read Fingon's Dream

He awakes from dreams of Maitimo.

A happy dream. He remembers no details: merely the sense of Maitimo’s presence—his voice in Fingon’s ears, his scent in Fingon’s nostrils—fading upon the air; in Fingon’s mouth that familiar sensation of sweetness, as if a large spoonful of honey were dissolving, slowly.

For a moment longer, Fingon is blessed, secure and beloved.

‘…love you,’ he thinks drowsily. ‘…love you.’

He means Maitimo. He means everyone and everything.

Outside the sun rises, golden. A lark bursts into song.

Now Fingon is fully awake. Maitimo’s absence is like a sword-stroke. The love remains.

Chapter End Notes

Posted independently of this anthology on some sites.

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Every Breath

Fingon has rescued his cousin Maedhros from Thangorodrim--their thoughts on the subject of obligation and gratitude.

Two short monologues (a bit like a duet, although obviously there is no music), rather than a dialogue.

Read Every Breath


I am beholden to you in every breath I take. They call me ungrateful--do not know I battle to keep breathing.
Although you cut me free, I am tied, might sink under the weight of my obligation, but choose the tie that holds me up and breathe for you.


Were you but free! I saved you at great cost, yet ask no recompense but this: keep breathing.  You lean too lightly against me, let me hold you up! Let who will talk of ingratitude--I will deny all obligation and be beholden to you for every breath you take.

Chapter End Notes

Written for a LOTR Community drabble challenge on LJ on the subject of gratitude. The prompt was: beholden.

Word count: 2 x 50 according to Word.

(Posted independently of the series on some other sites)

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Balcony Scene

In Valinor, after Maedhros and Fingon's re-embodiment.
A light and fluffy variation on the famous rescue, with a little bit of help from the Bard.

Double drabble.

Teens, just because. No particular warnings.

Read Balcony Scene

Summer. Maedhros steps out onto the balcony to catch the night breeze and sees Tirion, around and below, bathed by the light of a full moon. The moon, he knows, is old, the city older. But still the sight of the rooftops etched in silver and black seems rich and unfamiliar, reminding him of a time and a place when the moon was new.

Half singing, half speaking, he recalls a song in the speech of Mithrim: Who is it who comes sailing the sky, clad in white? Welcome! But where do you hail from, lord of the silver bow?


Another voice takes up the song, more clearly and firmly. He looks down and sees Fingon below.

‘Wait,’ says Fingon. ‘I'm coming up.’

He takes the direct route. Soon Maedhros is reaching out an arm to help haul him over the railing.

‘Why, love?’ he asks, smiling. ‘For once, I don't need rescuing, tonight. And what is wrong with the stairs?’

‘I just needed a bit of practice,’ says Fingon.

Practice climbing or rescuing? Maedhros does not ask. ‘I rather hope you're not planning to summon an eagle to carry us away...’

‘I'm not,’ says Fingon. 'Let's stay right here.’

Chapter End Notes

Written to cover four prompts of Tolkien Weekly's Questions challenge: who, where, why, what.

I first posted a version written in haste to Livejournal, for which I had used an online word count tool. I realized later this had been thrown off badly by my use of quotation marks. The updated and corrected version is 2 x 100 words according to Word.

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A Face like Flawed Porcelain

Maedhros looks in a mirror the first time after his rescue from Thangorodrim.
Much later, after his death and re-embodiment, he meets Elrond again in Valinor and Elrond has a professional conversation with him.

[Warnings for aftermath of torture]

Read A Face like Flawed Porcelain

Maedhros looked in the mirror. The face that gazed back out seemed only half familiar. A new face matching new circumstances—he was disconcerted to feel a pang of regret, nevertheless…

‘No scars,’ said Elrond, touching Maedhros’s cheek.

‘None,’ agreed Maedhros.

‘When I studied the healing arts, later, I wondered why yours had been so slow to heal—was it the way they were inflicted? Or perhaps you and your body did not wish to forget, entirely?’

‘A bit of both. And I was never very far from Angband. Do you remember how palpable Morgoth’s power became, by the end?’

Chapter End Notes

Apologies for disproportionately long end note:

Tolkien says Maedhros's body recovered in time from his torment by Morgoth, although the shadow of his pain remained in his heart. The question of scars is purely a fandom discussion, but I think this drabble can be understood without having come across it before.

It's a theme in my series that Maedhros's scarring is painfully visible or not actually that disfiguring, depending on who is looking at him and with what kind of expectations. (Men and dwarves tend not to be too impressed, because they aren't habitually counting on elvish healing powers.) In fandom, some assume really heavy scarring and some none at all.

The "flawed porcelain" is a self-quote, alluding to my ficlet "The Knot".

During the time when Elrond was with Maedhros and Maglor, it's suggested here that the power of Morgoth permeated Beleriand so strongly, having conquered almost all of it, that both Elrond and Maedhros could sense it.

True drabble (according to MS Word) written for the Tolkien100 challenge "New You".

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"...he lived to wield his sword with left hand more deadly than his right had been"
(Of the Return of the Noldor)


Warning for Aftermath of Torture.

Read Deadlier

‘…deadlier with his left hand than he was with his right.’

The comment he had overheard was meant as praise. His people were taking it as a sign of hope.

Maedhros brought his arm slowly down, his fingers firmly grasping the hilt.

He had driven himself to regain his strength and hone his skill because mastery was required for survival and the purpose was to deal death. It could be no other. He did not flinch, but in this moment, he measured once again just how far they had come from the broken gates of Formenos.

Harm within and without.

Chapter End Notes

Originally written for the Poetry Fiction: July Comment Fic Challenge 2021

The Poetry Fiction Prompt was:

"Who Owns the Night and Leases Stars"

Harm is in us, and power
to harm

(Reginald Shepherd)

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I guess I'm like you there! I cannot read too many of these, so I couldn't resist writing another one myself... There's a passage in your Mereth Aderthad on the subject, too, isn't there? Fingon tries to say soothing things to Maedhros, and Maedhros thinks that Fingon's presence alone is enough to calm him--is that how it goes? I really liked that one.

In that fashion, unpleasant memories and deeply held fears can unexpectedly surface.  It is the wise partner, the one who truly is the other half of one's soul, who will realize those times and, instead of holding them as negative reasons, in a way embraces them as reasons for increased closeness and compasion.  These two just glow under your pen.  

- Erulisse (one L)

Hello Himring

I have read the other 3 drabbles that are part of this story and I have to say - they are brilliant. Maedhros and Maglor are my most favourite charcaters in the Silmarillion and your strories portray them exactly as I imagine them. I am horrible at limiting myself as far as word count goes but you manage to convey breath taking emotions and thoughts in maybe 4 sentences. Your work is amazing and I truly look forward to reading more. Especially in this series:)

Thank you very much, that is very kind of you!

I'm glad you like the way I portray the characters and that you think they come across well in these drabbles.

I used to think I couldn't limit my word count until I found that I could, if the subject was right--so you may soon find yourself writing drabbles also!