One Hundred Words About Maedhros by Himring

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Fingon's Dream

Fingon wakes up.

Rating: Teens

He awakes from dreams of Maitimo.

A happy dream. He remembers no details: merely the sense of Maitimo’s presence—his voice in Fingon’s ears, his scent in Fingon’s nostrils—fading upon the air; in Fingon’s mouth that familiar sensation of sweetness, as if a large spoonful of honey were dissolving, slowly.

For a moment longer, Fingon is blessed, secure and beloved.

‘…love you,’ he thinks drowsily. ‘…love you.’

He means Maitimo. He means everyone and everything.

Outside the sun rises, golden. A lark bursts into song.

Now Fingon is fully awake. Maitimo’s absence is like a sword-stroke. The love remains.

Chapter End Notes

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