One Hundred Words About Maedhros by Himring

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"...he lived to wield his sword with left hand more deadly than his right had been"
(Of the Return of the Noldor)


Warning for Aftermath of Torture.

‘…deadlier with his left hand than he was with his right.’

The comment he had overheard was meant as praise. His people were taking it as a sign of hope.

Maedhros brought his arm slowly down, his fingers firmly grasping the hilt.

He had driven himself to regain his strength and hone his skill because mastery was required for survival and the purpose was to deal death. It could be no other. He did not flinch, but in this moment, he measured once again just how far they had come from the broken gates of Formenos.

Harm within and without.

Chapter End Notes

Originally written for the Poetry Fiction: July Comment Fic Challenge 2021

The Poetry Fiction Prompt was:

"Who Owns the Night and Leases Stars"

Harm is in us, and power
to harm

(Reginald Shepherd)

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