One Hundred Words About Maedhros by Himring

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Fingon on Greed

Mixing observations on cultural differences and romance.


Fingon to Maedhros:

Like you, I was raised to abundance and taught the virtue of abstention. Always refuse the second helping. And even on the Ice, if I starved more than others, I did so by choice, saving food for those who were weaker. Royalty imposes its obligations.

When we arrived in Beleriand, I was startled to see Sindarin hunters gorging themselves on venison. They, however, were puzzled by my astonishment.

‘There may be no game tomorrow’, they explained, reasonably.

So let me be greedy tonight, beloved, for both our sakes, for do we not both fear there will be no game tomorrow?

Chapter End Notes

Perhaps this drabble is not quite covered by the title, but it does go with the rest of the series, I think.

"Greed is good" was a prompt for last year's B2MeM (2011).

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