Through the Darkness Unescapable by Valiniel

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Chapter 19: The Darkness Unescapable


The Darkness Unescapable


3319, Second Age

She woke from a deep sleep to find that light was beginning to creep into her room. Míriel smiled and buried her face against her pillow. When she closed her eyes, she could still see the visions the dreams had brought her. Her mother and father smiled down on her, radiant in their happiness and peace. And then there was Galisil. In his arms, she knew no fear. Their love had chased away the darkness of the night, and the moon had illuminated the room they were in with a silvery glow. For a time, she had known true bliss. Upon waking, she found that the serenity of her dreams remained with her. It gave her the strength to face this day.

Rising from her bed, she looked out the window. There were no clouds in the dusky sky, only a plume of smoke that came from the temple. The queen turned from the window, not able to look at the darkness that marred the perfect sky. She walked over to her wardrobe to dress herself. As soon as Pharazôn was gone, she had dismissed her attendants. She had let the grey streak through her hair once more and ceased to care what others thought of her. She had other concerns.

Without thinking, Míriel found herself taking out a white gown. Long ago she had worn this gown on the Meneltarma during the holy days. It was embroidered with luminescent white threat and tiny pearls, a pattern of leaves and flowers dancing across the fabric. Somehow, it felt right for this day. This day was different than all the others before it; she could feel it resonating through her.

Míriel felt a strange sense of anticipation. Something was about to happen. The tension was slowly growing with every passing moment. She dressed herself and left the chamber to see if she could see the sunrise. From her study, she looked upon the color-streaked sky. It was so red… "Will I ever see another sunrise?" she found herself muttering. It was impossible to tell with the storms that arose unexpectedly.

As she looked east, she thought of Elendil. She did not know if he had already set sail or if he was still waiting for a sign from his father. Wherever he was, her hope and prayers were with him. As she thought of him, memories of their last conversation played themselves in her mind. She had spoken of an ending then, of the doom of Númenor.

"Doom…" She spoke that single word, and it took on a new power. "Doom is coming." The serenity of her dreams ebbed a little, and doubt began to gnaw at her. Was it truly coming for her, for all of Númenor? "Is it coming?" she cried aloud. "Tell me if it is coming?"

The wind that had been blowing from the east suddenly ceased. Quietly, it started. The sound of the sea. In that hour, she knew. It was coming. There was nothing she could do to stop it. She could only pray. In her mind, the sea faded, and there was a deafening silence. In that moment, she knew what she must do. Míriel left her study, her heart beginning to beat faster and faster. Through the halls she passed, striding purposefully past servants and workers. Her guards caught up with her as she approached the staircase that led down to the main hall.

"Where are you going, your majesty?" one asked. "Will you not take your breakfast upstairs first?"

"I have no need for it." They looked upon her, but soon looked away. Yesterday, she had been the sad, broken queen who wandered through the halls of the palace days and night, speaking words of doom. Today she was changed. She had an aura of majesty about her, giving those who looked upon her the sense that she had risen above them. The queen seemed almost ethereal. She was eerily calm as she walked towards the doors.

Míriel did not answer their questions, but merely continued down the stairs. She was nearly to the exit hall when one of her guards dared to ask another question. "Where are we accompanying you?" She paused and turned to face them.

"I am following my own path. Go, and follow yours." They stared at her, fear beginning to set in. Her words had been like an order, but they did not understand. "Go!" she ordered again. "Go! I can no longer escape my fate. Neither can you." They backed away from her, for she had suddenly grown terrible and fey. As they cowered, she turned and left the palace of Armenelos and never looked back.

At the stables, she mounted the swiftest of horses. It would carry her away from this accursed place, to the Meneltarma. None questioned her, for they were all fearful. They could feel her desperation and the certainty within her. She rode slowly at first, passing through the streets of the city. When she passed the temple, she heard Sauron's voice coming from the inner depths of the darkened chambers.

"Do you think that you can save Númenor, foolish queen? You will find only death at the hands of Eru." She ignored him and urged her horse to go faster. The people stopped to watch her go, and they began to whisper amongst themselves fearfully.

"Where is she going?"

"Why does she flee?"

"What is happening to us?"

Míriel rode on, and when she reached the edge of the city, the horse broke out into a full gallop. They sped along the ancient road, racing some unknown force towards the holy mountain. A nagging voice kept telling her that she was too late, that this mad race for the holy mountain would accomplish nothing. Still she pressed on. She had to be absolved. She had to offer up one last prayer.

The hours passed by, but she knew neither hunger nor weariness. Even her horse did not tire. It was as if some higher power had given them strength, and they rushed on towards the mountain. It grew larger and larger on the horizon, rising before them. For a moment, the mountain seemed to shine with a terrible white light. Her fear grew, but she could not tear her eyes from it. On she rode, on towards doom.

They were close now, and the Meneltarma loomed above them. Suddenly, there was a silence. It was as if for a moment, all of Arda stood still. She could feel a rush of power pass into the world, and she could feel the tremor before it rocked the land. She sprung from her horse before it hit. Then it came: the ground shook violently beneath her feet, throwing both her and her horse to the ground. Soon the ground was still, and the deadly silence gave way to a deep rumbling. The horse climbed to its feet and fled towards east as fast as it could. As she watched it run, the wind began to blow.

"It is coming." Her eyes widened, and her heart pounded within her. Springing up from the ground, she broke out into a run. The ground continued to rumble, although not so wildly as it had before. The earth had been shaken to its foundations, of that she was sure. She could feel her doom drawing near. With every moment, it was coming closer.

Míriel reached the path that led up the mountain. It was steep and rocky, and she scrambled up as best she could. The wind tore at her gown and pushed against her furiously. Still she struggled on. "I stand here at the foot your holy mountain, Eru," she prayed fervently. "Hear my prayer! Smite the evil one in his temple! Bring it crashing down atop him and rend his soul from the form he has used to seduce your Children. Save this world from his evil. Please, Eru, save those that remain. Save Elendil. Let his ships come safely to Middle-earth. Give him the strength to renew the glory and grace of Men. Let his line continue and stand against the evil that besets us. Please, save the Faithful. Save us."

She went round a corner of the mountain and suddenly stopped, looking on with dread. The sound of rushing water grew louder as it approached. A wall of darkness rose in the distance. It was enormous, blotting out the western sky. Míriel gasped, unable to believe what she saw. A great wave towered over the Land of the Star, consuming it as it pressed onward. Its shadow reached towards her, blocking out all light as the sun sank behind it.

It rose over the green hills, over the beautiful land of Númenor. The mountain began to shake harder, knocking a few stones loose. The roar of the wave and the wind became almost deafening. Míriel could not move, she could only watch the wave draw near. She cried out in grief as she watched her land be consumed by the wave.

Her beloved Númenor… She loved every stone, every river, every tree. It had been in her heart since she was born, that her life existed to protect and care for this land and its people. Her people… They were not all evil. There were so many who were merely ignorant or fearful. They did not deserve to die. All that she loved was being devoured by the darkness.

The mountain beneath her gave a great shudder, and fire burst from the pinnacle. Míriel fell to the ground, unable to stand as the mountain shook furiously. The fire fell from the sky and landed around her. Its heat was unbearable, and she scrambled away from it. "No!" Her cries were lost amid the fury of the wind and the rushing wave. Her heart ached within her. She had not thought that it would end like this. She had not thought that she would die here, amid crumbling earth, fire sprung from stone, the howling wind, with the great dark wave towering over it all.

Míriel looked on the wave as it drew closer. Its roar had grown even louder, and she could see it tear through green pastures that spread out beyond the mountain. It was coming for her. The doom she had foreseen had come to claim her. As she stared into the oncoming darkness, a new strength seemed to enter her, and she drew herself up to her full height and stood to face the wave.

Tar-Míriel spread her arms, as if to welcome the wave. She stood proudly amidst the smoking lava of the mountain. She stood straight and did not falter, though the wind beat against her. She stood on the still rumbling earth and waited. The sea would be her ending. It had come to wash away all of her guilt and despair. It had come to set her free. So she stood and waited for it to come.

'I will die a daughter of Elros,' she thought to herself. 'I will not fear the darkness of Eru, for I will pass through it and thus come into the light.' The wave drew near and she could smell the salty scent of the sea. She bowed her head and shut her eyes. "Eru, I am in your hands."

The wave crashed around her and threw her back against the mountain. The roar of the wind was silenced and she knew nothing but the tug of the water. Then she felt herself being hurled around, twisting and turning in the water. Immediately, her body began to panic. She kicked and thrashed about wildly to reach the surface. Her lungs were burning for air. More than anything, she wanted to breathe. She wanted to live!

Even as she struggled, she began to hear it. It was an angelic melody that called to her. "You need not endure this world any longer," it seemed to say. "Be at peace…" All at once, images flashed through her mind.

She saw her mother smiling and holding her hand. She watched her father as he drew his last breaths. She saw Galisil standing beneath the trees on a foreign shore, safe from all harm. She watched nine ships be carried across the sea. She could see the chasm that swallowed Ar-Pharazôn and his army. She looked on as the temple of Sauron crumbled into the abyss and the Maia was torn from his fair form.

She stopped struggling. The weariness was lifted from her, and she felt a joy beyond any she had ever imagined. The waves would not steal her life from her. It was still hers to lay down freely. The darkness around her turned to light. Míriel let go, and raised her voice to join with the Music.


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