A Promise Fulfilled by Erulisse

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Chapter 1

A Promise Fulfilled


A Promise Fulfilled

As the ship approached the dock at Tol Eressëa, Glorfindel's left hand caressed the carved comb. He had rescued it from her hands when he had found her body so long ago.

While the ship docked, his eyes scanned the crowd, searching but not finding. Erestor pointed to the left. “Look. There, at the hill's crest.”

Glorfindel's eyes lit with joy as he saw his wife and their young daughter, running towards him. They embraced, tears of joy mingling with their child's laughter. He returned the carved comb to his beloved's hands. After long years of sorrow, joy had arrived.


* * * * *


A/N – This story rests on some parts of my AU that may need explanation. 


1)  Glorfindel’s wife died at Ost-in-Edhel.  He found her body a few days later when the forces of Lindon/Imladris were finally able to break the siege.  She was next to her brother, Celebrimbor.  As the last two children of the direct Feanorian line, that leaves the only Feanorian still living as Maglor. 


2)  Glorfindel’s daughter was slain at the fall of Gondolin, along with his son and, of course, himself.  Because of the youth of his daughter, she was kept in the timeless Halls of Mandos until the time was deemed right to bring her back to her mother’s arms.  Although other relatives were considered to raise the daughter, they either turned down the offer or were Feanorian and therefore, not actually available. 


3)  Glorfindel’s wife was re-embodied around 2600 T.A. and, with the help of Lords Namo and Aule, as well as her own mother, she was comfortable enough to begin raising her re-embodied daughter around the start of the Fourth Age.  Glorfindel sailed with Elrond, Erestor, Olórin and Galadriel. 


Chapter End Notes

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