True Priorities by Himring

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Fanwork Notes

Drabble according to MS Word.

Obviously, "outcome of the Hunting of the Wolf" implies a number of canonical character deaths...

Fanwork Information


Celegorm's first reaction on hearing about the outcome of the Hunting of the Wolf in Doriath.

Major Characters: Celegorm

Major Relationships:

Genre: Fixed-Length Ficlet


Rating: Teens

Warnings: Expletive Language

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 101
Posted on 5 November 2011 Updated on 5 November 2011

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on True Priorities

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This really breaks my heart, as the relationship between Huan and Celegorm is one of the purest int he Silmarillion, in my opinion - I was rather pissed when Huan without warning suddenly betrayed my dearest Tyelcormo.

I think too that after everything that happened, this is the hardest blow for Celegorm yet - by defeating him and Curufin Lúthien showed that she had the strenght to care for Huan, that she somehow deserved his loyalty, so to say, and that in his eyes she's failed in her single most important task.

Thank you for reading and commenting!

It is really a very hard blow for Celegorm, I think. And I do think (on some level, at least) Luthien had gained his respect and so he had expected her to protect Huan as much as Huan tried to protect her.

You could argue that Huan didn't really leave Celegorm quite without warning, though. At any rate, he went back to him, the first time.