Telpetari's Tapestry: Tales of a Silver Queen by Kaylee Arafinwiel
Fanwork Notes
This collection features Celebrian as written by me and by Emma for our story-verse. As such besides the canon relatives of Celebrian, there will be OCs (her paternal grandmother, for instance, who must have existed but was never named by Tolkien) and relatives not explicitly made clear by Tolkien but established as part of our 'verse (Oropher, Thranduil, etc.)
Fanwork Information
Summary: What was Celebrian, daughter of Celeborn and Galadriel, wife and cousin of Elrond, the Lady of Imladris like? We really don't get to see her, but these (mostly previously unrelated) stories will feature her along with her family. Major Characters: Aerandir, Celeborn, Celebrían, Celebrimbor, Elrond, Elwing, Erellont, Estë, Eärendil, Falathar, Galadriel, Original Character(s), Oropher, Thranduil Major Relationships: Genre: Challenges: Rating: General Warnings: |
Chapters: 1 | Word Count: 574 |
Posted on 30 November 2011 | Updated on 30 November 2011 |
This fanwork is a work in progress. |
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Table of Contents
This story takes place in S.A. 227 in Eregion, on the anniversary of the ruin of Doriath. What would the two Lords of Eregion, Noldo and Sinda, have to say to each other, especially on this day, given their families' history?
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