Five Times Caranthir Fought With His Brothers (And One Time He Didn't) by grey_gazania

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"You're not. You're not actually considering this." Curufin's voice is flat and cold, and he looks at Maglor with narrowed eyes.


Maglor shakes his head.  "No, I am not considering. I've decided.  We can no more attack than we can remove to the south."


"So you're just going to leave him there?" Celegorm is pacing the small room like a caged animal, three steps one way and four the other, oblivious to the way the twins have pressed up against the wall to avoid him.  "I can't believe you."


"Couldn't we send someone to rescue him?" Amras ventures.


It's all wrong, Caranthir thinks, only half-hearing Maglor forbid any such attempt and don't-you-dare-try-it-little-brother.  He looks drawn, worn down by the fighting in a way that Maedhros never was.  Never is, he corrects himself, and shakes his head to clear it.  "There are six people in this room," he says, interrupting Celegorm's ballooning rant.  "And two-thirds of them are being completely stupid."  He presses on, ignoring their glares.  "Even if we do leave, do you really think the Enemy will just let Nelyo go?"


"So we rescue him--" Amras repeats.


"--and fail, and get killed or taken captive.  Or we attack, and break ourselves on Anband's walls until we're exhausted, or until Moringotto kills Nelyo just to get rid of the noise.  Kano is right.  We stay here. That's all we can do."


Amrod stalks over and shoves him, hard.  "You're heartless! I'm ashamed to call you my brother!"


It doesn't hurt; there's a layer of ice under his skin that keeps their hands and words from bruising.  "So I'm heartless.  At least I'm talking sense.  There is nothing we can do for Nelyo that won't make things worse."


Celegorm is seething, ready to shout again, but Maglor pushes to his feet before anyone can say another word.  "Out.  All of you, out.  You're giving me a headache."  He herds them toward the door and shuts it firmly.


Later, when Caranthir is hunched over outside, retching into the grass and trying to forget the screams and crunch of bone, Maglor finds him.  "You're clammy," he says, his voice oddly distant in Caranthir's ears as he brushes some hair out of his brother's face.  "What happened, Moryo?"


Caranthir knocks his hand away and then wipes at his mouth.  "I agreed with you.  And if you don't get out of here now, I'll hit you for it."


Chapter End Notes

Caranthir-the-Slightly-Psychic originated with Dawn Felagund.

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