Two Small Pieces of Glass by Ellynn

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Fanwork Notes

Arda and its universe belong to Tolkien; Helyanwë is an OFC (Fëanor's granddaughter) who belongs to Erulisse (one L), who kindly permitted me to put her in my story. Thanks! :) And I thank her for beta-reading, too. *hugs*

Helyanwë is a glass artist/master, and I am an astronomer. When you put those two together, there can be only one outcome...

Fanwork Information


One day, while working in her studio, an elleth discovers something extraordinary and invents one very special device.

Major Characters: Original Character(s)

Major Relationships:

Genre: General


Rating: General


Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1, 461
Posted on 15 February 2012 Updated on 15 February 2012

This fanwork is complete.

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