Taking Readings I by Himring

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The Red Thread of History

An observer who is not at all impartial is set to record the Doom of the Noldor.

Character: Miriel

Rating: Teens


And fate unspools like a ball of yarn rolling across the floor.

Miriel records it. Sometimes it makes her so angry she would like to rise and raise her balled fist, shaking it against Taniquetil. Sometimes it makes her so sad that she would like to roll up in a ball on the floor in front of her loom and cease to move. She does neither.

Is Miriel’s stubborn subversive streak all done then? Yet she is a subversion herself, neither living nor dead, an elf among Ainur.

With steady hand she selects another ball of wool. It is red.

Chapter End Notes

100 words according to MS Word.

Written for the Ball challenge at Tolkien Weekly on LiveJournal.
Prompts: ball of wool, ball your fist, roll into a ball

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