Comments on More Than One Hundred Words About Maedhros

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Oh, thank you! I'm happy to hear you like The Sound of Our Voices. A lot of my short pieces are fairly spontaneous, but this one was more so than most. So it almost feels as if I didn't work hard enough on it, but when I look at it, there's nothing I'm ready to change right now.


Ah- you  are right. I suppose I mean, more self contained - certainly not lacking passion and fire, but more thoughtful and refelctive. Your Maedhros is clearly affected deeply by Angband, as he would be. Its making me think quite a lot more about all this and you probably are the World MAedhros expert!! :)

Yes, that is more or less what Maedhros is afraid of at that moment, although he is not in a state in which he would be able to put that clearly to himself or think it through. But, as you say, he is not!

Thank you very much for your comment and I'm very glad this piece worked for you!