Trail Ride by Erulisse

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Fanwork Notes

Disclaimer:  Tolkien built the sand box; I only play with the bucket and shovel that he left for me.  No money, profit or non, is made from the publication of this story. 

Fanwork Information


With the males of the court all away at the annual King’s Hunt, Helyanwë and her grandmother Nerdanel leave the household compound on a quest of their own. Story written for the Bechdel Challenge – two women in an action/adventure story carrying on at least one conversation that doesn’t revolve around a male. 

Major Characters: Nerdanel, Original Character(s)

Major Relationships:

Genre: Adventure


Rating: General

Warnings: Violence (Mild)

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 3, 279
Posted on 30 January 2013 Updated on 30 January 2013

This fanwork is complete.

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