50 Prompts: AU Silmarillion by Urloth

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Prompt: Opposition (Miriel)

Summary: No means no


The wraith stared at them all with her jaw and mouth set stubbornly as it had in life.

“I beg your pardon?” asked Manwë, for the first time looking uncertain about the whole thing.

“I said ‘No.’ As in ‘No I will not give my husband permission to marry another,” said the ghost of Míriel Þerindë.

“But –“


“The Vany-“






“Yousaidyouwereneverreturningtolife” Manwë had to yell without breathing in order to interrupt her.

“Oh for the love of Eru. I said: ‘Finwë, if you don’t stop pestering me, so help me Eru, I will never return to life at this rate,’” said the Queen.

“Oh. So all a misunderstanding then…” pondered Namo.


“You do actually intend to return to life?”


“And your son?”


“And your husband?”

“There will be words, but yes.”

“Well then,” Namo shrugged with a ‘well what can ya do?’ expression on his face as he faced the gathered Valar.

“Indis will be heart-broken,” murmured Varda.

Míriel impolitely rolled her eyes at the Queen of Stars.

“Indis has more problems as of this moment then merely a broken heart. Now stop bothering me, I have to figure out how to fix my body since none of you seem capable.”

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