Heart-stung by Agelast

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Fanwork Notes

Adding the icon here because I really like it:

B2MeM 2013 Day One--Friendship 

Thank you, Elleth, for taking a look at it!

I’ve stolen a quote from Aristotle and a concept from Charlotte Brontë.

Fanwork Information


The thought of their ancient friendship stung his heart.

Written for the Friendship theme for B2MeM 2013, Day One.

Major Characters: Fingon, Maedhros

Major Relationships:

Genre: Drama


Rating: Teens

Warnings: Character Death, Violence (Moderate)

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 2, 476
Posted on 6 March 2013 Updated on 6 March 2013

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on Heart-stung

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The story that moves backwards. I've told you before, but I will tell you are, it's beautiful.

<i>“I am your friend, then?” Findekáno said this tentatively, as if he expected to be rejected, or, worse, laughed at.</i>

Awww! Wee Fingon! Just as charming as adult Fingon. I've very light and funny Fingon and Maedhros and had people tell me it made them cry. Well, that was due to Tolkien's original. In this case, you take us on a journey from the heartbreak of Unnumbered Tears to the beginning of a beautiful friendship--a big boy and a little boy in Valinor, who already have a special attachment.