The Artistic Temperament by Tehta

Fanwork Information


Maedhros and Maglor discuss the Noldolantë.

This ficlet à clef is dedicated to everyone who has ever given me beta--no, wait, to everyone who has ever had cause to identify with this version of Maedhros.

Major Characters: Maedhros, Maglor

Major Relationships:

Artwork Type: No artwork type listed

Genre: Humor


Rating: General


Chapters: 1 Word Count: 555
Posted on 20 September 2013 Updated on 20 September 2013

This fanwork is complete.

Chapter 1

Read Chapter 1

On his way to the dovecote, Maedhros came across Maglor, who sat morose in the courtyard, harp hanging limply by his side.

“What ails you, Maglor?” Maedhros asked, as a good elder brother should. “Is it another attack of Oath-Torment? They are more frequent whenever a storm is brewing, I have noticed.”

“Have you?” said Maglor distractedly. “But no, it is not that cursed Oath. It is the cursed Noldolantë.”

Not again! Maedhros braced himself. “What about it?”

“I have come to the conclusion that it is awful.”

Maedhros sighed. “I told you the last time: everyone loves your composition, and you know it.”

“I know that everyone *here* claims to love it. But I also know that expressing a positive opinion is only common courtesy, for a follower. Not to mention a shrewd career move.”

“Well, perhaps... But what about me? Surely, you would not call me a follower -- not of anyone yet living, nor of any god -- but I love your masterpiece. Indeed, looking forward to the inevitable next installment is the only thing that makes performing evil acts bearable, these days.”

“Come on, Russandol. You are my brother, and also my friend, and then, all the constructive criticism you have offered me over the years has surely given you a personal stake in the piece.” Maglor shuddered. “To think, if not for you, I would have left that kinslaying/harp-playing rhyme in! Anyway, you are clearly biased.”

“No, I feel perfectly impartial.”

“Because yours is an unconscious bias.”

“Fine.” Maedhros rolled his eyes. “But what about all the other Noldor? The ones who are neither kin, follower, not friend, and were not privy to your early drafts?”

“Oh, they are biased, as well. For political reasons. Or out of vanity, since they are mentioned in the title.”

“True… but look here, the Sindar get no such mention. Also, your ‘political reasons’ should lead them to hate the Noldolantë. And yet, it is said that many of them listen to it, or play it -- or even plagiarise it, which is the sincerest of tributes.”

“About half of all the Sindar like it, yes. But they have their reason.”

“And what is that?”

“The violence. Blood-soaked action-filled epics are always popular. With about half of all the people of any race, I suspect.”

“I see.” Maedhros passed a hand over his face, and looked up at the threatening clouds. “So, to summarize: you are in despair because half of all the Sindar do not like your work.”

“That is right.”

“But are you even sure they do not like it? Have you received any criticism?”

“I wish I had! Criticism would indicate engagement, or at least a strong emotional response. But no,” said Maglor darkly, “they are simply ignoring my piece, as one might ignore an unappetizing dish at a banquet.”

“Perhaps they are too intimidated to speak. By your brilliance, talent, and intellect, I mean,” Maedhros added quickly. “Not by your non-poetic activities.”

Maglor sneered silently.

By the Jewels! Maedhros was well used to facing impossible tasks -- his entire agenda was full of them -- but this one was daunting even beyond his experience. He excused himself, and went off to send a pigeon before the weather broke. At least his Silmaril-requesting letter to Elwing had some chance of success.

Chapter End Notes

While this piece is inspired mostly by self-examination, I believe I got the idea of Maglor composing exciting new installments of his song after every Feanorian act from Himring's "Maglor Plays for His People After Doriath".


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This is wonderful. On more levels than I can say. I died at the the diva-esque section on how painful it is that half the Sindar ignore it. Holy shit! Been there. Done that. I guess we all do, at least those of us who consider a piece of fanfiction to be worth serious effort.

"But I also know that expressing a positive opinion is only common courtesy, for a follower. Not to mention a shrewd career move.”

If he wants to know who really likes it and who says so for other reasons, he should ask again after the Havens at Sirion. That is so mean of me. Just kidding. I believe in my heart of hearts that the Noldolante has to be undescribable brilliant and anyone who did not like it could not appreciate good music. (Otherwise they could revoke my membership as a Besotted Follower of the Feanorians.)

I read this before, but enjoyed it even more this time if that is possible.


Well, but waiting until after the Havens would leave poor Maglor a much smaller pool of people to question...

I am sure the Noldolante was a great piece, but not, perhaps, appropriate for every mood and occasion. E.g. not the sort of thing you would play while getting ready for a party.

Anyway, thanks for reviewing. As you know, this was a very, erm, personal piece.

Thank YOU!

I suspect this is more of a bio of my beta's annoyance with me. It was also supposed to be cathartic, which worked until I realized that I had compared myself to Maglor, which does not QUITE fit.

I do think, though, that it might speak not just for me, but also for other, less drama-queen-like creators...