Cradle of Stars by Dawn Felagund, Elleth

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Almost Mythic

The Seahawk was a gift from the high prince Fëanáro to the sons of Olwë, Eärwen's brothers. He did not construct it—there were some things even Fëanáro could not do—but the finest shipwright in Alqualondë was commissioned to do so, and Fëanáro named the boat, inscribing the name in the Tengwar script he'd just invented. The story as it is told is interesting because its meaning is construed differently whether told by a Noldorin or Telerin speaker. The Noldor use the little boat and its elegantly written name as one of many symbols of the unity between the two peoples, something they were eager to establish after their sundering with the Vanyar. The Teleri, however, take a comic approach to the story, using Fëanáro's insistence on the Tengwar—which no one yet used, even among his own people—as droll example of his stubborn brilliance. Fëanáro was beloved by the Teleri—the first son of their old friend Finwë—and he was almost mythic to them.

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