Winged Voices: Birds of Middle-earth by Himring

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Additional drabble: In Neldoreth, in Spring

A slightly uncomfortable moment in the courtship of Celeborn and Galadriel.

(This one definitely Teens, not General.)

Celeborn looked up from kissing Galadriel and straight into the beady eye of a nightingale. The bird was ensconced on the tree branch above, half-concealed by leaves, and watching them silently.
‘Would you mind...!’ Celeborn said.
In his arms, Galadriel stiffened. The nightingale gave a short liquid trill and flew off.
‘I see,’ said Galadriel, amused.
It had been a relief that foresighted Melian approved of his affection for Galadriel, thought Celeborn, but he did not like conducting his courtship in front of witnesses.
Galadriel’s smile intensified.
‘But can a Sinda ever be truly alone in the woods?’ she asked.

Chapter End Notes

I should maybe stress that this is early in their courtship--so it's really just a kiss that the nightingale is watching!
Otherwise Galadriel's reaction would probably be rather different.

(Originally written for the prompt "nightingale", but dropped from the main sequence.)

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