Winged Voices: Birds of Middle-earth by Himring

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Chapter 2: Troubling with Thrush Language

Those ancient, magical thrushes of Dale--they could have had a long history.

First Age: Caranthir, son of Feanor, Celegorm, son of Feanor;
Third Age: Bard the Bowman

Caranthir and Celegorm are walking along the shore of Lake Helevorn. Celegorm stops to talk to a thrush knocking a snail on a stone. The thrush cocks its head curiously and replies.
‘Honestly, Turko,’ growls Caranthir. ‘Must you talk to every bird in every bush?’
But his brother, whose temper at other times is as hasty as his own, looks relaxed, almost at peace, using the skills Orome taught him in Valinor, so Caranthir growls only very softly.

Ages later, Lake Town burning all around them, a thrush flutters onto Bard’s shoulder and brings him news of Smaug’s weak spot.

Chapter End Notes

"I don't suppose there are any people left there that trouble with thrush-language" (Bilbo, "Inside Information", The Hobbit)

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