Of Time and Trees by Huinare

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Fanwork Notes

Originally written and posted at Many Paths to Tread for the June 2012 "Longest Day" challenge. It occurred to me that it's Silmfic as well, so here it is.

The element I received for the challenge was the song "Time" by Libera [music | lyrics].

Fanwork Information


Summer solstice after the fall of Sauron: wizards, one in Minas Tirith and one in Isengard, hatch tree-related schemes.

Valinor, before the count of time: two Maiar speculate on the Valar's plans for the hill of Ezellohar.

Major Characters: Gandalf, Saruman, Treebeard, Valar

Major Relationships:

Genre: General


Rating: General


Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1, 735
Posted on 31 May 2015 Updated on 31 May 2015

This fanwork is complete.

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