"Because my Land is Fair" and other drabbles by Himring

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Annael took part in the Battle of Unnumbered Tears.

Warnings for this drabble: references to PTSD and canonical suicide

‘I remember the colours,’ said Annael, ‘Fingon’s blue and silver shining above our heads, at sunrise, and the other banners flying beside them, of elves and men. And by nightfall all were fallen, all trodden in the mire.

Do not think I made no attempt to stay your mother’s flight, Tuor. I spoke, but spoke in vain; my words could gain no traction, for Rian could see too clearly that, although alone of my company I had escaped and returned to Mithrim—outwardly unscathed, almost—my mind was wounded. I had left part of myself on the battlefield that day.’

Chapter End Notes

The prompt was: colours.

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