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Thank you, Himring! I'm glad the repetition is effective.

Honestly, that's just where Denethor ended up. :P For a character that has shown up to speak in exactly one fic, he tends to lurk in the background of most of my Celeborn or Thranduil ranting about the Valar fics. In a lot of ways, I think he ends up being a more effective king that we both hear about and who didn't want to go to Valinor than Elu is, because Elu just got delayed when he stumbled accross Melian. To an extent, I think that diminishes the grief of him ending up reborn in Valinor, whereas Denethor doesn't have that.

It does read as a big "f you" to the Valar, and I can't help but wonder what happened to the poet. (Congratulations, here is your Go Straight Back To Mandos card?) She must have caused quite a stir. The poem is beautiful in spite of its bitterness, and the repetitions really drive the poet's point home.

Thank you! I hope she didn't get sent straight back to Mandos, though they might have exiled her like they did Fëanor (except unlike Fëanor, I don't think she cares. It might have set off a rush of Sindar and Silvan trying to get themselves exiled).

I'm glad the repititions drive the point home.