The Flight of Birds by grey_gazania

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Fanwork Notes

Fanwork Information


Elrond and Elros have recently arrived on Balar, and Elrond is not happy to be back among his mother's people. But with some help from his brother, he begins to see Elwing in a different light.

Major Characters: Elrond, Elros, Original Female Character(s)

Major Relationships:

Genre: General

Challenges: Ancestors

Rating: Creator Chooses Not to Rate

Warnings: Creator Chooses Not to Warn

This fanwork belongs to the series

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 3, 928
Posted on 27 September 2017 Updated on 27 September 2017

This fanwork is complete.


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Okay, that's just plain wonderful. The moment where Elrond realised there were two sides to the story, two wrongs, and that Maedhros and Maglor had even more to answer for than Elwing really spoke to me. Such a huge adjustment - it's all very well to be sent 'home' but not so much if you don't remember it and everyone talks differently and dresses differently and loathes the people you grew up respecting... I love this time and these people and it's so seldom I read a fic that deals fairly with the complexities involved. Loved this.

This was completely excellent, but one line in particular struck me: "But we’ve decided that it’s better to risk harboring a thrall or two than to turn away people who are actually in need. There are far more of the latter than the former." So very reminiscent of the refugee crisis discussions over here, and pretty much my thoughts!

Now that's out of the way, I can talk about your wonderful story. I loved Ianneth (and I loved that she is not only a skilled healer, but Gil-galad's mother as well! I have been amiss in catching up with the story of her and Fingon's courtship, so this was a good reminder.), loved your Elros, loved your Elrond. The attitudes you show in this story reflect pretty neatly the different stances fandom likes to take on the matter - either the sons of Feanor did no wrong and Elwing is a monster; or Elwing did no wrong and the sons of Feanors are monsters. So Elros' and Elrond's discussion, and their conclusion that everyone made mistakes and learning to forgive them or at least look beyond them was such a relief to read.

So that would already have made for a satisfying tale, but moreover, you filled it with such great detail - the putrefied, I mean cured shark comes to mind, and Elrond's botanical lore. And what a fascinating idea that Elros would be able to talk to sea birds and Elrond's extraordinary talent for healing is also ultimately derived from Melian. I trust it runs in Elros' line as well, which is why "the hands of the King are the hands of a healer"? :D

In conclusion, wonderfully thought-out and written. Thank you so much!

Thank you so much! This is such a nice comment. :D

I agree with you on the fanon issue, obviously; the black-and-white view some parts of fandom take really bothers me. Every character has a reason for what they do, and in a good story (like the Silm!), the reason is usually a lot more complicated than "They're just a bad person."

I had to go dig out my log-in information for this site to leave you a review, lol. I really liked this, you caught Elrond and Elros's different voices and aspects very well. I think it felt very real, to be caught in this muddied water of feeling and perspective. It's a controversial topic - and I started very early on in fandom hating what Elwing did, but I've had to consider all that went into it and my perspective's shifted a bit.

I also like the not-white and black aspect of the Feanorians and their life with the twins. Sometimes I think it's written as waaaay too simple.

Also I loved the glimpse of Gil's mom!