Somehow they’ll find their way home by Himring

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Chapter 1

Maglor (Andante, Ostinato)

If you ask how it began,
if you ask why did we fall,
I can tell you when,
I exactly recall
the how and where,
how I drowned in despair.
No matter how I roam
over sea, over sand,
sing our ancient tongue,
for ages alone—
no question, it will be long—
yet I'll find my way home.

Daeron (Declamando, Con fuoco)

Seasons began with you,
when we sang side by side.
None of my wishes came true:
your desire to be free
matched with love’s secrecy
and, when you refused to hide,
no place for me by your side.
You gained your release!
Now that your spirit is lost,
how can my heart be at peace,
left to wander the east?
But even alone,
one day I'll find my way home.

Mithrellas (Piano, A niente)

You ask me why I was gone.
Did I wish to be free?
How could I leave what was near,
somehow going somewhere,
over sand, over sea?
But I can't tell you here;
only right at the end,
when our worlds meld into one,
can I find my way home.

Chorus (Leitmotif, Cadence)

The one thing we’re not alone
in is in being alone.
Beyond hope, beyond prayer,
anyhow, anywhere,
over sea, over land,
however long we are gone,
we will find our way home—
until we reach out a hand,
and somehow, somewhere,
our home is there.


Chapter End Notes

The song is here on YouTube: Somehow I’ll find my way home

Besides the other sources, there is also an allusion to a line in "Message in a Bottle" by Police here.

Extracts of this piece have been posted to Tumblr for Feanorian Week (Maglor) and Legendarium Ladies April (Mithrellas).

Glossary of the chosen musical terms:
- Andante
(Italian: walking) is used to indicate that the music should be played at walking pace.
- Ostinato
Obstinate, persistent (i.e. a short musical pattern that is repeated throughout an entire composition or portion of a composition)
- Declamando
Solemn, expressive, impassioned
- Fuoco
Fire; con fuoco: with fire, in a fiery manner
- Piano
Gently (i.e. played or sung softly)
- A niente
To nothing; indicating a diminuendo which fades completely away
- Leitmotif
A theme or fragment used to represent a person, action or idea
- Cadence
A melodic or harmonic configuration that creates a sense of resolution

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