Insta-Drabbles 2019 by Alquien

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Fanwork Notes

Fanwork Information


These aren't really true drabbles per se, but they are what I came up with. Also, these are un-beta'd. Hope you enjoy!

Major Characters: Maedhros, Maglor, Nerdanel

Major Relationships:

Genre: Experimental


Rating: General

Warnings: Creator Chooses Not to Warn

Chapters: 6 Word Count: 905
Posted on 23 June 2019 Updated on 23 June 2019

This fanwork is a work in progress.

Chapter 1

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hope glass special fascinating

As the eldest grandchild, Maedhros was often granted special privileges. Once, Grandfather allowed him into his private library, which was filled with artifacts from Cuiviénen. These were carefully preserved on high shelves, along with the first parchments ever scribed by hand in ink and encrusted with mithril, gold and other rare metals. But most fascinating of all, was a glass box that held a piece of gossamer silk, to which only Grandfather held the only key. Grandfather had opened it once, placing the delicate embroidery in his hands and for a brief moment, Maedhros felt a surge of hope, as if the silk were alive and speaking to him before it lay quiescent in his hands.

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Chapter 2

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alcohol groups elimination bond

"Are you certain this is a good idea?" Maglor asked Maedhros, who held Amrod and Amras in each hand.

"Tell our brother what you heard," Maedhros said in a stern voice, shaking one of them slightly. "Now."

"Grandfather told our father and our uncles that 'you are going to stop this foolish rivalry between yourselves. I don't care how, just do it.'" The twins recited this in unison, which gave their voices an interesting sound that Maglor wished he knew how to duplicate...

"Maglor, attend!" Maedhros snapped, causing Maglor to jump slightly, all musical thoughts lost for a brief moment while Celegorm, Caranthir and Curufin watched their elder brothers with interest.

"I suppose that means we will have to invite Fingon and Turgon over," Maglor said. "But we have no feud between us." One of the 'triplets' snickered at that but neither Maglor nor Maedhros could determine which one, and so let it slide.

"Very well," Maedhros finally said. "We will invite them over."

~~A few hours later~~

"So what do we do?" asked Fingon.

"We are going to play a drinking game," said Maedhros. "I am told it is a good way for people to eliminate their differences and bond more closely."

"Oh really." said Turgon but Fingon's sharp elbow in his ribs changed his tone so that no-one could become annoyed.

"And this game is...?" Fingon was curious now.

"It is called 'Truth or Dare'," Maglor replied and promptly explained the rules. "Are we ready?"

Everyone was seated in a loose circle around the small campfire now, and Maedhros opened the first wine bottle and took a drink.

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Chapter 3

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afternoon old midnight temperature

It was early afternoon in Tirion, yet the temperature promised to become even hotter. Nerdanel sighed tiredly, ignoring the disapproving stares of Indis and her daughters as she fanned herself with a delicate ivory fan. They would never dare say anything to her though, for she was heavily pregnant with Fëanáro's first-born. She wished that she was at their home instead of here, dressed in an old cotton shift and sketching her latest ideas for her next sculpture.

She felt her eyes closing shut and her fan must have dropped from her hand, for the next thing she knew, she was being settled in bed, thankfully stripped of the formal court dress.

"Are you well, dearest?" asked Fëanáro, his quiet voice failing to conceal the worry in his dark eyes as he applied a damp cloth to her face. "Is there anything you need?"

"I am fine," she replied as she smiled up at him.

"At midnight, we will go and sit in the garden, near the fountain," Fëanáro told her. "That is, if you would like it," he amended hastily.

"That would be lovely," Nerdanel replied as she squeezed his hand reassuringly.

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Chapter 4

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ospreys yellow shadows passing

It was high summer and once again, the House of Finwë & Sons descended on the quiet shores of Alqualondë. Their families enjoyed spending their time swimming, boating and fishing. Later on, the younger children would be taken on nature walks to learn about the many sea birds and seeing how many nests -- ospreys, gulls and herons -- could be discovered.

Meanwhile Olwë, Ingwë and Finwë spent many hours discussing various matters of state behind closed doors, though some of the older children were beginning to wonder just why "matters of state" could leave them so happy and relaxed. Maedhros and Maglor thought it might have something to do with the numerous empty wine bottles that were sent back in carts to the wine companies but said nothing.

The bright yellow sun gave no hint of shadows that would soon be passing over it.

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Chapter 5

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sentencing possible court division

The court sentencing of Fëanor came at the worst time, Finwë realized. The Valar might genuinely believe they were doing him a favor by mending the division in his family but Finwë knew better. Instead, they had created an even worse one.

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Chapter 6

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given field equipment wife

Curufin's wife was given a large section of prime farmland as part of her dowry, as well as the equipment need to harvest and plant the crops.

Although Curufin had little interest in anything to do with farming, he did appreciate the potential the land held. His wife proved a capable manager, and the income it generated helped their small family prosper.

When their son Celebrimbor was born, it was soon evident that any gifts he might have had would be the same as his father and grandfather. It came as no surprise to her; she would simply have to hope for a girl next time.

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