Out Over Open Waters by Himring

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Chapter 2

Erellont and Voronwe did not leave until Veantur had detailed plans for the construction of a shipyard and the expansion of the harbour in the bay of Romenna.

‘Did I not myself receive unstinting help from Cirdan?’ said Voronwe, when Veantur thanked them repeatedly. ‘Greet my kinsman for me when you see him! He will receive you kindly.’

Much work still needed to be done, before Veantur’s first ship could set sail or he could hope to lay eyes on the fabled Cirdan, but in his dreams he already heard the waves beating on the beaches and cliffs of Middle-earth.

Chapter End Notes

This drabble written for Numenor Week on Tumblr, incorporating the rest of the prompts of the Sea Places challenge at Tolkien Weekly: harbour, bay, beach, cliff.

100 words in MS Word.


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