Protecting you by Gwailome

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Fanwork Notes

My deep gratitude to Himring for tactful beta-reading


Quenya words:

Orokar - Orcs
otorno – sworn brother, otoronya – my sworn brother (also, diminutive)
toronyar - brothers
indo ninya – heart of mine

Fanwork Information


One winter day Fingon and Maedhros went riding in the fields of Hithlum...


Major Characters: Fingon, Maedhros

Major Relationships:

Genre: Romance


Rating: Teens


Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1, 732
Posted on 25 January 2013 Updated on 25 January 2013

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on Protecting you

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You posted it here! I'm glad. I hope you did not find it difficult?

It's a very touching story: the peace of the ride together broken by sudden danger and Fingon shocked by Maedhros's abrupt transformation. I like the description of the snowy landscape.

And I also like the anecdote that shows that although Celegorm can talk to birds they would not always communicate very well--because birds after all have their own concerns!