The Great Divide by ALark

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Taur Romen

I need a beta-reader! If you are interested please contact me!


They arrived at the southernmost  tip of Taur Rómen by dawn. Having rode on Erjâr’s back through the night across the wastes and plains of the far east the tree line of their home was a welcomed sight. They dismounted once safe under the cover of the trees. The forest awoke around them as first light filtered through the trees. The Taur Rómen was ancient forest, so ancient many have said it had seen the Spring of Arda and that in that time Yavanna walked in it more than any forest of her creation. When Hensilien’s people had come to settle in it after hundreds of years of nomadic life, the forest was being heavily encroached upon by humans and dwarves. the part of the forest closest to the Rhûnaer(Sea of Rhûn) was but a plain of stumps from the excessive felling of trees. Believing forests to be sacred places that ought to be revered, they made it their business to speak for the forest, making themselves an enemy of almost every settlement around the inland sea. Years of negotiations brought about the Taur Pact. The Taur Pact granted guardianship of the ancient forest to the Avari elves, but allowed for  the felling of only certain trees. The pact similarly protected certain species of animals whose numbers were drastically cut buy hunting, such as the white Kine of Araw who were hunted for their gleaming pallid white  pelts and large horns. It was in seeing one of these  great beasts in the forest wandering in a swoon with several arrows in it. The healers did what they could but it had gone too long without help and died. That inspired Hensilien to add the protection of such animals to the pact. Hensilien skinned it herself and made it into a mantle she wore only on special occasions.It was a memorial and a promise that the Avari would preserve the animals and forest in their care. They felt it was the least they could do in appreciation for the home the forest provided for them.


For all the sounds of birds and wildlife that awoke all around them Hensilien didn’t seem to hear or take notice of any of it. Aiwê was no stranger to Hensilien’s brooding, but her friend seem especially troubled.She was silent the whole journey back to the forest and her silence was beginning to worry her.When their path had met the great river Kûg that ran through the forest Aiwê broke the silence.


“What is troubling you?And do not even think to tell me that there is nothing for it is plain all over your face.”


Hensilien smiled a bit, “Is it that plain?”


Aiwê made a face that quickly answered her question. She had kept her friend in the dark about their journey and not once did Aiwê question her judgement, not even when she gave her instructions to flee if she didn’t return at a certain time. She reasoned in her mind that Aiwê could handle what was burdening her mind.


“I am sure you are wondering why I went into that easterling camp”,she began, “We had a friend in their ranks that has been acting as a buffer between the forest and easterlings and wild-men in exchange for certain water rights in the forest. Plus I owed a debt to one.”, a smile appeared fleetingly then turned into a grimace.


“You said ‘had’ a friend,what has changed?”, Aiwê inquired further.


“They are joining Sauron’s army.”she paused to let that sink in, “War is coming,Aiwê , a war that will sweep over all middle earth. I do not know why this one is different from all the others ,but it is and it is one we cannot avoid as a people. The little elf magic that protects us and this forest will be as nothing to the darkness that threatens it. We have no allies and no way of defending ourselves. You know as well as I do that our people aren’t warriors, many of those who have seen battle have passed, the rest have never picked up a sword. And years ago I would have been proud to say that we were such as peaceable people for i loathe the bloodshed of war, but now...I see the error of my shielding them. Now we all shall pay the price for my mistake.”, Hensilien stopped in her tracks, her shoulders shaking with the weight of the fate she had doomed her people to.


That was why she had so fervently tried to persuade Margöz to change his mind, to save him from making that same mistake of sealing his people’s fate. Hensilien had figured that if he and his wainriders banned with her people they might stand a chance, perhaps even his people could teach her people how to fight. She herself was an excellent fighter; deprived of a childhood she was forged in the heat of battle, she had over time even taught Aiwê a few things, but what she had learned over millennia could not be taught in the amount of time they had.


“Do not blame yourself. All you meant to do was protect us and no one would condemn you for that.”,Aiwê placed a comforting hand on her friends shoulder. She never envied the burden of leadership that Hensilien carried, but this was the first time she had ever seen her friend tremble under its weight. In Hensilien’s eyes she saw all the years of trial and tribulation settle, her face was suddenly wan with grief.


“Certainly there is still time to make provision for the forest to find a way to strengthen the shield. And we can still solicit the help of the dwarves and Folyavuldok(Dorwinrim)”, Aiwê said, trying steal up an ounce of hope.


Hensilien sighed deeply, “No there isn’t, it is spring and there are already the tell-tale signs of death in the forest. The dwarves of Dol Calenmir and the peoples of Dorwinion will have their hands full fairly soon. Come let us make haste. I need to speak to the vanhin galadâron(wisest of trees) before calling the counsel. You go ahead to the kylässä(village) and tell the counsel to assemble and wait for me.Take Erjâr.”


Aiwê mounted Erjâr swiftly, taking a handful of the wolf’s scruff. Grabbing her hand Hensilien looked her friend straight in the eyes, “We will not despair just yet. The vanhin galadâron may still have some wisdom to impart on the matter.”


Smiling weakly Aiwê nodded before taking off through the forest.


The vanhin galadâron was unlike any other tree that called Taur Rómen home. This tree had come to them from the west towards the end of the second age. The Avari had stumbled upon it near the river Kug. The tree was unlike any they had ever seen for it could walk and speak, albeit a language they weren’t familiar with that sounded of long groanings rather than words. Its bark was white as birch and its limbs were long and thin ;its hands were white tendrils that at the ends grew beautiful leaves.It was as tall as the Ironwoods that grew in the Sentinel Grove in which they dwelt(160–279 ells). In its face were set eyes so green it was as if  Spring lived in them. After gaining its trust they taught it their language and found out that it was actually a she, and her name Fimbrethil. Fimbrethil told them of how she had come so far from her home. How she had once lived in a grand garden filled with beauty but war had destroyed it and many of her sisters, of how she fled captivity and went east avoiding all settlements eventually coming upon Taur Rómen. She shared also that she had a mate of whom she had been parted with since the burning of the garden.

Fimbrethil taught them many things in how to live fully off the forest without causing permanent damage. Her knowledge of all things that grew in the soil of Arda was extensive and through her the Avari learned many things about the growing of food and the use of herbs. She taught them also of the Valar (being only aware of the existence of one,namely Oromë, of whom they call Voro meaning thief)and The One; of the Valar, they came to worship Yavanna for she was the queen of the earth. Fimbrethil stayed among the avari for a long while and after a time she departed from them longing to walk the great forest. Every spring she would return and stay among them till autumn.


She was often dwelt in a clearing three leagues from the village, and that is where Hensilien found her sitting ,face to the sun. A gentle breeze blew through the branches that adorned her peak; new growth was abundant on her boughs.


“What a beautiful morning it is”, called Hensilien.


The entwife looked about her, eventually catching sight of Hensilien below. A smile touched her moss hooded eyes as she recognized the elf that looked up at her.


“Well met elfling”, mirth saturating her  great voice. She bent her self low, creaking as she did, so that her face was closer to the elf.


“I see the season is treating you well friend, you have much new growth.”


“hmmmm yes, so there is” she said in her usual slow and  gentle  manner of speaking, “what news have you, for it is obvious to me that you are heavy laden “


“As always there is nothing that passes your notice. Yes I am greatly burdened. You know already of how the forest seems to be turning putrid in some areas.”


“Indeed I know. there is an evil on the fringes,a shadow that is beginning to creep over. I can feel it in my very being”, the entwife’s voice took a solemn tone.


“The men of the east are preparing to take up arms against the west, how long it will take for them to turn against us i do not know. But it is all as you said, they do not see the destruction before them. “


“Men have always been the easier to blind by evil, but surely there are still good men who do not worship evil in their hearts who will stand against those that do. “


“And how shall we fight vanhin, we the elves of this forest? how shall we stand against this evil shadow? we have no weapons, nor the skill to wield them. Are we doomed?”


Fimbrethil breathed a long sigh, pausing to choose her words with care, “There is strength in numbers elfing. You and yours have been as an island, it is time for you to seek help from the mainland.”


“I have tried asking the dwarves and the men, but they are pressed with their own problems. The easterlings speak of a war that will  sweep over all. Evil stirs in the south. Who have we to turn to!?”, Hensilien felt her exasperation peak . There were so few Avari left in the east , her tribe being the largest left. they had survived against staggering odds  and now it seemed they had only postponed the inevitable.


“Those of whom you have mentioned are on the same island as you. You must seek help from the mainland.”


Hensilien was finding it hard to  divine Fimbrethil’s meaning. she shook her head in confusion, “I have not the time for your riddles.”, she replied deflatedly.


“It seems thats it is not just men who are easily blinded.”Fimbrethil chided,” Must I spell it out for you? You have no aid from man nor dwarf, who else is left to you?”


Getting her meaning Hensilien rubbed the bridge of her nose,not liking what Fimbrethil was proposing, “They want nothing to do with us I’m sure.”

“Are you willing to sacrifice your people for that notion ?”


Hensilien stood worrying her lip. She knew Fimbrethil’s wisdom was sound, but everything in her screamed she’d rather die than grovel for their assistance.


“Pride will only bring about ruin. You have a chance to skirt  the worst of what's to come. do not let what happen to my garden happen here. As for your people they may not be keen on the idea, but they will follow where you lead, remember that elfing. “ Fimbrethil held out her tendriled hand and smiled sympathetically at Hensilien, “I will take you home”


“Thank you vanhin. I will take your words to heart when making my decision”, Hensilien stepped into the entwife’s hand and was  set to perched atop the boughs that adorned the top of Fimbrethil’s  head. From there she could see above every tree. This vantage point afforded her a perspective of the forest she never had before. the landscape  spread out before her filled her heart to the brim. This was a place worth fighting for no matter the cost.

Chapter End Notes

woot Fimbrethil on the scene. i really wanted to write her into the story, because i didn't like the fact that the entwives were never seen or heard from again. so yea!

like i said before i NEED a beta reader. anyone who has the time to take me on i would be most appreciative.

look forward to your response to the bit of back story i tried to give in this one.

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