The Great Divide by ALark

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Fanwork Notes

A little about some of the liberties i have taken in the making of this story.And my intentions in regards to this story.

The language of the Avari of Taur Romen. I took some liberties with primitive quenya,quenya,sindarin,and Finnish to construct their language. It made sense to me that their language would be a broken/mangled version of the laguages of the western elves with more than a few words of their own(hence the finnish)

Seeing as there is very little on the Avari written or even fanfic'd about i took MANY liberties in making the culture of the Taur Romen Avari, but remained sensitive still to the very nature of elves in general.

in this story i hope to draw light to the chasm left between the two factions of elves,(avari vs eldar) after the sundering and the through the war of the ring how that chasm begins to be bridged through our heroine Hensilien.

i want all readers to know that i have gone through great pains to research and learn of the elven languages and cultural etymologies. as well as more than a few history lessons about the quendi and men of middle earth as well as battles and individual characters great and small. SO if there is ANY issues in continuity(i.e.:dates, events etc) please tell me!

ps. its rated teen but that may change to mature in later chapters

Fanwork Information


The Avari of Taur Romen find themselves caught in the turmoil of the Third age just before the War of the Ring gets in full swing. In ages passed they were able to avoid the conflict between Sauron and the Free Peoples of Middle Earth,but that time is long past. the War of the Ring is on the horizon, leaving their leader, Hensilien, only one ultimatum: solicit the help of their kin in the west of whom they have habored resentment for since the First Sundering or watch their forest die at the hands of the shadow and count down to their own annihilation by the forces of Sauron.


Major Characters: Avari, Celeborn, Elrond, Galadriel, Glorfindel

Major Relationships:

Genre: Drama, Experimental


Rating: Teens

Warnings: Expletive Language

Chapters: 2 Word Count: 4, 151
Posted on 24 April 2013 Updated on 5 May 2013

This fanwork is a work in progress.

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Table of Contents

name meanings!

hensilien:Daughter of Silver eyes (this is her father-name and only given name)

Aiwê:Little bird (mothername) (chosen name:Pelóthoni: fearless *exclusivly a avarin word)

Erjâr: Alone (because when she found him he was a lone wolf)


I need a beta-reader! If you are interested please contact me!


Comments on The Great Divide

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This was an interesting read! I'm a big fan of the Avari and the idea that they all vanished with Cuiviénen never sat well with me, so it's refreshing to see them picked up in fic. Female characters, especially of a description that doesn't really fit into Tolkien's delineations, are a weakness of mine as well, so here's three cheers to all of that! Hensilien's entrance was quite memorable, and I'm very much looking forward to seeing more of her friendship with Aiwê (female friendship - another thing that fic needs more of in general)!

I loved that Hensilien and Margöz seem to be having a kind of history of their own as well, which does seem to mitigate the brutality and savageness of the Wainriders as you portrayed them, at least a little. Balanced portrayal of that sort is nice to see as well, and I hope there will be more of that even if they decide to throw their lot in with Sauron after all.

The story itself, I think, could do with some nitpicking, especially in terms of spelling, grammar and formatting, and if you're interested in help with that, feel free to shoot me a PM - I'd also love to natter about Avarin; I'm currently working on a reconstruction of potential early Avarin languages myself. And, of course, good luck with the next chapters. I'm intrigued and will be keeping my eyes open for updates.