The Lords that Fell by Taylor17387

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Appendix 1: The Servant in the Lonely Chamber

This chapter is more of an appendix of sorts, and just a very gratuitous Sauron/Shadow of Sauron slash piece. Some readers wanted to see a bit of action for this couple, and honestly, after so many millenia getting only Orc ass, the poor man deserved a consolation. As such, this qualifies probably as a "porn without plot", with no real place inside the main story (though if you read to the end, you'll find that all this nonsense makes some sense). Read it or not, if you want or don't want to see this couple.

Warnings: graphic sex (more graphic than in the other chapters, anyway), non-con, tentacles (yes, tentacles).

The Servant in the Lonely Chamber

There are older and fouler things than Orcs in
the deep places of the world.

-Gandalf (The Lord of the Rings: “A Journey in the Dark”)


The celebrations after the battle that put an end to the siege of Angband had prolonged overnight, and drink had generously run through the throats of Melkor’s servants. But now, the Shadow of Sauron began to feel tired, and the initial alcoholic euphoria had become an unpleasant dizziness.

Bowing before the Vala’s throne, he asked for permission to retire to his chambers to rest, and after the indolent gesture of Melkor and the assent of his master, he left the room unsteadily.
Although he didn’t realize that someone else had also left behind him.

He went down the endless corridors of the fortress, poorly lit, and once in front of his bedroom’s door, he began to search for the key among the folds of his robe. Since he was eager to get into bed as soon as possible, the key had to evade his hand, as if with a will of its own.
The darkness and his drunkenness didn’t help either.
When he finally found the small object and placed it in the keyhole, the door opened with an eerie screech. The man had the impression that a mass of shadows loomed menacingly behind him, and almost stumbling, he hurried into the chamber.
The room was very modest, and the furniture was reduced to a bed, a table with an oil lamp, and in the adjacent compartment, a bath and a brazier for heating water. At least it wasn’t cold, thanks to the furnaces of the lower floors, and the Shadow of Sauron prepared to remove his intricate garments.
Then he remembered that he had left the entrance open. But upon turning around to close it, he found that the muscular hulk of Gothmog filled the doorway completely. The man winced, and was unable to utter a single word; it was the first time the Balrog appeared in his room, and he couldn’t imagine what he wanted from him.

-You’re so lonely tonight! Didn’t you call any Orc to come and keep you company? –said Gothmog sarcastically, as he looked up and down at him.

The man lowered his head in shame.

-No, my lord Gothmog... Tonight, I just want to sleep.

-Aye. You seem pretty drunk. However, some of us never sleep, and other things in particular come to my mind, that I could do right now.

The Maia came into the room uninvited, closed the door behind him, and approached the man. The aura of shadows and fire that always enveloped him, seemed specially inflamed at the time, and there was an unsettling glint in his eyes.
The Shadow of Sauron took a couple of steps back, alarmed by an instinctive sense of danger.

-What dost thou want from me, my lord? –he stammered, while Gothmog towered over him like a mountain on fire.

-Nothing, my little man. I’d just like to taste that, which so many others have tasted before. –and the Shadow of Sauron gasped when the demon run his rough claw across his jaw.- Tell me, little one, what do those dirty Orcs do to you? Do they stick it in your rear? Do you stick it in theirs? Tell me.

The always pale cheeks of the man turned red for a moment, and he tried to elude the caresses of the Balrog. He was beginning to tremble from head to foot, his drunkenness had evaporated as if by magic, and all his senses screamed at him to flee from there as soon as possible.
But on the other hand, he couldn’t believe that this was really happening. Gothmog was a Maia, one of the sacred Ainur, and a brave captain. Those beings who had sung in the first Music couldn’t have such base and vulgar desires. Carnality didn’t exist for them, who were pure spirit. Unless it was the expression of a deep love as the one which, he supposed, was between his master and Melkor. And certainly, no Ainu would ever abuse an inferior creature like a man. Right?
Nonetheless, the Balrog kept touching him, and when one of his claws went down his frail body and stroked his backside, the man lost his temper completely.

-Please, my lord Gothmog, go away! Thou shouldst not be here, my master... My master wouldn’t like it if he knew. I’m not worthy of thee, please go away!

The Shadow of Sauron made a move to escape, but that was the catalyst for everything. And leaving aside his scarce subtlety, Gothmog grabbed him abruptly, threw him on the bed and lay on him.

-Don’t you dare to reject me, despicable insect! Everyone in this fortress has a right to enjoy the pleasures of the flesh. Everyone but Gothmog, isn’t it? Well, that's over! I also want to have fun. And what better way to have it, than with the pet of that arrogant Gorthaur? Yes, in a way, dishonouring you would be like dishonouring him.

The man writhed in vain, among whining and pleading, but the huge body of the demon had immobilized him under his weight. Gothmog had taken his hand to his belt, and now struggled to undo the metal clasps that kept his private parts hidden. The Shadow of Sauron closed his eyes tightly and prayed to Eru so the belt became tangled or something similar, and it was impossible to get rid of it. But upon feeling a fleshy, wet muscle brushing his chin, he was forced to open his eyes again.
Before him stood up a monstrous and swollen member, as a reddish snake that watched him with its unique vertical eye, ready to bite him in any moment. And behind this horrible head, poked the no less horrible head of Gothmog, with his flaming hair and his wicked smile.

-Let's give a better use to that ugly mouth of yours. I want to see your black lips closing around my cock, and your filthy tongue licking it up and down with desire, like the harlot you are. -the Balrog inserted a couple of fingers in his mouth and tried to open it, but the man bit him.

Gothmog screamed, but soon recovered from the attack, and responded with a slap. The Shadow of Sauron's eyes watered, but even so, he kept his mouth obstinately closed.

-So that’s how it’s going to be, isn’t it? Has the worm still some pride? Well, if you don’t let me shove it up your mouth, I'll have to shove it up here! -roared the Balrog, and lifting his robe to the waist, placed a finger against the opening of the poor wretch, and threatened to penetrate it by force.

At that time, the man burst into tears, unable to endure a second longer the terrible humiliation.

-No, not up there, my lord, please! Anywhere but there! I will ... I will be good, my lord Gothmog ... I won’t bite anymore.

The demon consented to his victim’s pleas. And placing himself in front of his face, inserted the member inside his mouth, which closed soft and submissively on it. Gothmog grunted with pleasure upon feeling the wet cavity surrounding him, and the tongue curling around.
Almost without realizing it, he began to thrust his hips, robbing the man of even those last remains of autonomy. The salt of his tears mixed in his mouth with the unpleasant taste of the Balrog’s secretions. And this time, the Shadow of Sauron didn’t pray to Eru, but cursed him, for giving him such a miserable and shameful life.
Gothmog’s member was too big for him, and with each violent thrust, it brushed his throat in a way that he thought impossible until then. The man was sure that he would either vomit or asphyxiate. But he didn’t care anymore.
The lower part of his body had been left exposed, and he felt the cold air between his legs; he almost wished that another Balrog came in the chamber and, seeing him thus, would also rape him, to kill him once and for all. All he wanted was to die, to die and finally disappear.
Then, as if Eru had indeed listened to his wishes this time, someone entered the room with a slam of the door.
Although it wasn’t a Balrog.

-What do you think you're doing with my servant, stupid brainless lump!? -the steely voice of the lieutenant cut the atmosphere like a knife.

Gothmog stopped short, and sliding out of the man, he turned his head to face his hated rival. Sauron had his arms crossed, pale and cold and gloriously menacing. The eye of fire burned the sight just by looking at it, and the pupil had disappeared in a line of anger.
The man's heart skipped a beat, and his love for the Maia, for his saviour, brought hope back to him.

-Get out, Gorthaur, you have no right to claim this creature as your own! I can also use him to do as I please. Go back with the Lord Melkor! Surely, you've left him tied and naked on the bed, with the handle of your whip stuck inside his arsehole, and now he's getting impatient.

Sauron twisted the corner of his mouth with half a smirk.

-Tied and naked, can be. With something stuck inside his arsehole, who knows? But my whip, dear Gothmog, I have it right here. -and the lieutenant tightened the black leather lash in front of his eyes.

The Balrog's mind told him to stand in guard, but the hand of his opponent was much faster than his thoughts, and the whip cracked against the balls that hung between his legs.
Gothmog’s howl of pain shook the fortress to the very summits of Thangorodrim. And the next second, he rolled on the bed onto the floor, writhing in agony. Sauron pounced on him, transformed into a wolf, and after a few bites and struggles, forced his opponent to flee the room, bleeding and stumbling in his wake.

-This isn’t settled yet, Gorthaur! Sooner or later, I shall satisfy my desire. And maybe next time I’ll do it with you! -cried the Balrog as an ultimatum, before running off.

The lieutenant laughed:

-You better go sit on a block of ice then. I don’t like my lovers with their privates in pain. –then he turned to his servant, who was pulling down his robe again, and looked at him adoringly after the heroic fight.- As for you, why were you giving pleasure to that undesirable, if I may ask? Who gave you permission to bed my rival?

-But master, I didn’t want to do it! He forced me!

The Maia raised an eyebrow in disbelief.

-I've caught you with your robes up and your legs spread wide. Anyone would think you were offering yourself to him.

The unfortunate man began to sob again, seeing that his master didn’t believe him.

-How canst thou say something like that, master? It was horrible for me! I even came to believe that he would deflower me.

Sauron took pity on him, once he realized he was telling the truth and his tears were sincere. And sitting on the bed beside him, he stroked his neck gently to reassure him.

-Have you never been penetrated then?

-No, master. In that sense, I'm virgin and pure, I promise thee!

-I see. However, this situation poses a major problem. Forced or not, the fact is that you have pleased my enemy. You, who are precisely my servant and owe me absolute loyalty. I think the only way to solve this dilemma, is that you compensate your master fairly. –the Shadow of Sauron looked at him with innocent misunderstanding, and the lieutenant gave him a malicious smile.

Then, standing up, the Maia began to unbutton his shirt before the man’s astonished gaze.
When the firm chest, the erect nipples, and the rock-hard stomach were discovered in front of him, a rush of blood flowed to his cheeks, while another rush went down to his crotch. And when the white abdomen, the dark pubic hair, and the beautiful attributes of his master bared themselves, the Shadow of Sauron could already feel his hardened member brushing against his robe.
Once free of all his clothes, the lieutenant lay indolently on the bed and spread his legs slightly.

-Well, since you've been licking that ox in heat of Gothmog, you must now lick me, and thus, your debt will be settled.

The man swallowed, and mentally begged Eru to give him strength so as not to explode right there, leaving a white puddle on the sheets. Although probably Eru was already tired of his stupid prayers and had stopped listening.

-Master, this task that thou entrustest me, gives more pleasure to me than to thee. And I swear that, under no circumstances, I’d compare it with the abominable act that Gothmog forced me to commit.

-Well. Then get to it and show me your devotion and loyalty.

Trembling with excitement, the Shadow of Sauron lay between the legs of the Maia, and took the still flaccid member in his mouth, stroking the soft sack below. The black tongue ran lovingly across every vein, every inch of skin, and went under the skin of the tip to explore its interiors, still hidden.
Sauron let out a murmur of pleasure and spread his legs a little more. The man then looked up, and met the desirous eyes of his master, who had begun to caress one of his nipples. The fire of his eye now burned warmly, and the pupil was dilated, as other parts of his body also began to dilate.
Soon thereafter, the Shadow of Sauron no longer licked a tender appendage, but a steely rod of flesh with a wet, bare end, while the Maia’s sighs gradually turned into moans and gasps, and his eyes closed in ecstasy.

-It's so big and beautiful, master. No wonder the Lord Melkor wants it all for himself. –murmured the man, kissing the slit at the tip, and the vibration of his words sent a delicious shiver down the thighs of Sauron.

The Maia's stomach heaved in an hypnotic way, and below his private parts, his entrance hole had been left open and in sight. The Shadow of Sauron felt his own member reacting with lust upon seeing that opening, and licked his lips. He had to get inside there, no matter what, even at the cost of a terrible punishment or death itself.
An unpleasant pressure had spread through his pubis. It was almost painful, and he began to seriously doubt his ability to suppress the most basic instincts.
Maybe, if he awoke in his master the desire to be penetrated, he would let him enter... Surreptitiously, the man licked one finger until leaving it wet and slippery, and without notice, he inserted it inside the lieutenant’s body. The latter winced, opened his eyes wide, and sat up a little, to see what his servant was doing. To realize that, indeed and against all odds, he had just violated the most secret corner of his body.

-Hey! But what are you doing? -he exclaimed, in part confused, in part embarrassed, and in part tremendously aroused.

His servant looked at him with a gesture of fake innocence.

-Forgive me, master. Dost thou want me to stop it?

The finger was stroking him in an exquisitely sensitive spot that he had inside there, and warm waves of pleasure radiated from that center throughout his body. Now he understood why Melkor always insisted that he touched that part, small and round like an almond.
Sauron threw his head back, and closed his eyes with a moan.

-No... Continue.

The man smiled to himself, seeing that his plan was working.
A few minutes later, the Maia had been reduced to a trembling creature, that asked him in a lewd tone for more fingers inside. The Shadow of Sauron first inserted two in him, and then three, and then a fourth finger, and finally he inserted his tongue.
Then, the lieutenant lost his composure completely. He sat upright in a jolt, and with animal fury, tore the man’s clothes until leaving him naked.

-Stick it in me, all the way! -he ordered, giving himself completely.

And the servant needed no further instructions to fulfill his mission.
With an incomparable joy, that few mortals would ever know in their short, sad lives within the circles of the world, the Shadow and the master of the Shadow became one.
The screams of pleasure of the man echoed within the walls, with an intensity that suddenly seemed too much in the silence of the night. And then, the fear of being discovered overcame him. What if Melkor went down to the chamber and found them like that: his lieutenant sprawled shamelessly, while the mortal, that he so despised, penetrated him to his very entrails? The Maia would suffer the wrath of his Lord, no doubt, but what would become of him?
Sauron read the concern of his heart without trouble, united as their bodies were, and he chuckled.

-Don’t worry, my little servant. If Melkor discovers us, he will get angry first, and then very hot, and will just want to join the party. No need to worry.

The Maia stroked with sweetness the man’s spine, more protruding than it should be, and he calmed down.
It didn’t take many more thrusts to leave the Shadow of Sauron on the very brink of climax. The stimulation was too perfect, the image of his master voluptuously stretching beneath him, too exciting, and he had also been too lonely for too long.
Sauron bit his lip with narrowed eyes, and almost in a whisper he sighed:

-Do you know? All this makes me feel dirty: being here wide open, while a mere mortal pierces me and steals my purity of Ainu. And I like that. I think you should try it too.

A dangerous glint flashed across the surface of the glass eye, and a sadistic smile hinted on his lips.
In that moment, the man noticed with horror that a change was taking place in the body of his master. From the sides of the Maia emerged a dozen thin appendages, like black tentacles, that stretched toward him and began to climb up his legs. The touch was cold and moist, and the Shadow of Sauron shuddered, as he felt them entwining and digging into his flesh. When the tentacles grabbed him by the thighs, six in each leg, and separated them, he understood too late what they intended.

-No, master, not... not that, please! Don’t do me... -but words died in his mouth, replaced by an exclamation, when one of the appendages went into his hole, while the others caressed him nearby like a thousand obscene fingers.

Then the man forgot to thrust, forgot everything he knew, and all his senses focused on just two things: the tentacle that crawled inside, moistening him as an impossibly long tongue, and the lascivious leer of his master fixed on his face.
The man groaned with humiliation and pleasure, and almost inadvertently, moved his hips down, to finish impaling himself in the appendage. After this, another tentacle also joined, and then another, and another, and another. When the twelfth tentacle penetrated him, the man felt so full, so incredibly open, that he thought he would break at that time. All he could do was pant motionless and out of breath, too overwhelmed to even moan or complain.
And at last, when the twelve viscous appendages agreed to caress that secret spot with supernatural precision, the man finally surrendered.
A spasm ran through his whole body, the muscles of his cavity contracted around the invading tentacles, as if to insert them deeper and at the same time expel them. And amid a cry of release, he spilled his seed inside the body of his master.
Sauron gave a triumphant laugh as the man left his body, too sensitive, too sore to endure more stimulation. He rolled to one side of the bed and lay there, panting and trembling.

-I still can feel your contractions, little one. -whispered the Maia in his ear, and the Shadow of Sauron let out a sob of shame.

Having mercy on him, he withdrew the tentacles one by one, and they disappeared into his side as if they had never existed. Then he hugged his servant from behind, and kissed him on the shoulder.

-What happens, why do you tremble and cower? Didn’t you like it?

-It's not that, master, it’s that... Well, I got somehow scared, and I felt a bit violated.

-My poor little one! Forgive me. We Ainur sometimes forget how fragile the bodies and spirits of mortals are. But come, take off that helmet. It must be extremely uncomfortable to lie with it.

Sauron removed the bone helmet and left it on the floor. Then he turned the body of the man to face him, and ran a hand through his hair, affectionately.

-Dost thou think I’m ugly, master?

-No, of course not. I think you are... acceptable. –the Shadow of Sauron smiled at him, moved, and pressed against the chest of the Maia; he had never felt so protected in his whole life.- And I like your delicate body of man, and your simple desire of man, and your primitive and sincere pleasure of man.

Cold fingers moved across the scars of his back, while his master's lips kissed him on the forehead and cheek, as if consoling him for the damage his whip had caused time ago.
The lieutenant then noticed something shiny that glistened in the left nipple of his servant, something he hadn’t noticed before.

-I gave you this ring. –he remarked, touching the jewel that hung from the rosy protuberance.

-Yes. I put it there to always have a memory of thee close to my heart.

-It's very beautiful... -murmured Sauron stroking the nipple, which hardened under his fingers, and then kissed it softly.- You're very beautiful, no matter what the others say.

-And art thou not disgusted by the fact that I haven’t got a single hair on my body? For the Orcs, it seems very laughable, even if some of them have just four hairs down there. It makes me feel quite embarrassed.

As his only response, the lieutenant went down his body and kissed the naked and smooth skin of his pubis. Then came up again, and placing his leg around his hip, he whispered:

-Listen, I know you feel tired after the assault of Gothmog and all these emotions, but you have still a duty towards me. Ye men do everything fast because your lives are fleeting, but Ainur have been granted all the time of Eä, and therefore we take things more calmly. -the man gave him a questioning look, and Sauron sighed resignedly.- What I’m trying to say with all this, is that you’ve left me half done.

And getting closer, he made him feel the supplicant hardness that still stood in the midst of his crotch. The servant blushed realizing his lack of consideration, and immediately set out to fix the error.

-I'm sorry, master, I had forgotten about thy needs, forgive me. Of course, thou canst penetrate me if thou wantest, and satisfy thyself that way.

The lieutenant accepted the offer without hesitation, and the man's body, still wet inside because of the tentacles, gave way to him with surprising ease, despite the size difference.
Sauron laughed softly:

-Little liar ... You're not a virgin. This hasn’t been done just by my tentacles, am I right?

-I didn’t ... I didn’t dare to admit it, but it's true: I'm not a virgin. Is that bad, master? -muttered the man in a distressed tone, but the Maia laughed again and kissed him on the lips.

-No, of course it’s not bad. It's alright, calm down.

The Shadow of Sauron relaxed, content, and while he felt how his master filled him completely, he realized that his whole life became meaningful in that moment. The world began and ended for him with that union, that point to which he would return perpetually thereafter.
At first he only felt that: an ineffable happiness, as the sensations of the body blurred. But after a while, a tingle began to wake inside him, in the areas in which his master brushed him faster and faster. And the tingling turned into a warm wave that radiated to his stomach, and his breathing quickened in unison with the gasps of his master, and his legs began to shake. Sauron moaned incoherent words under his breath: “It's almost done... I’m almost there... Oh, curse it!... Oh, yes, it’s almost, it’s almost, my little one...!”
And, as if the voice worked a magical influence on him, the man felt a surge of pleasure that grew and grew and grew, to agonizing limits. And it was strange, because this time it came from within, from some kind of epicenter, and it almost caused him terror, as if upon bursting, the sensations would break his innards.
The Shadow of Sauron dug his nails into the sheets, tensed up, closed his eyes tightly, and bit his lip to prevent a scream from escaping him. Something ominous was about to unleash inside him. He could almost feel that little spot, swollen and throbbing against the friction of the foreign member. And yet, his own member lay flaccid and abandoned on his stomach.

-Master, fuck me, fuck me like there's no tomorrow. –he murmured, not conscious anymore of the obscenities that he let out.- Stick thy cock deeper... oh, yes, deeper!

Stick it to the uttermost depths, until ripping my hole!

Finally losing control, Sauron felt the first contraction in his own body, and in the body into which he was buried.
He thrusted even harder, the man opened further, both moaned simultaneously. And then...




The door of the chamber flew open, and with a cry of surprise, the Shadow of Sauron winced and spilled the ink on the table, where he was writing. Quickly, he grouped the papers so they didn’t get stained.
The lieutenant was standing in the doorway, and looked at him questioningly.

-What were you doing?

-Oh, master! I... I... wasn’t... I wasn’t doing anything! -stammered the man, turned into a bundle of nerves and visibly heated.

He jumped to his feet to greet the Maia, and the black lips stretched into a forced smile. Before his master could notice the bulge that raised his robe under his belly, he placed himself behind the back of the chair.

-Is that the report I requested you yesterday? -asked Sauron, pointing at the disordered papers on the table.

A drop of cold sweat ran from his servant’s forehead.

-N ... No, that's nothing, master. Just some nonsense without importance.

-Nonsense? I better take a look at it. You shouldn’t keep secrets from your master.

And before the horrified gaze of his servant, the lieutenant took the stack of papers, without anything or anyone stopping him.
The Shadow of Sauron buried his face in his hands, and wished the earth would swallow him. But it was to no avail begging and repeating that the manuscript didn’t matter; his master's suspicions were aroused, and he wouldn’t stop until he got to the bottom of it.

The writing was in Sindarin, and Sauron soon discovered with perplexity that it was unlike anything he had read before.
As he went with his eyes through the writing, his perplexity gave way to surprise, and soon to outrage.

-Gothmog did this to you!? –he exclaimed, looking up from the paper, red with anger.

-No, master, none of that ever happened! In fact, Gothmog has always been good to me, and he even defended me sometimes. That's why I told thee that what is in those papers is just fanciful nonsense, and not worthy for thee to lose thy valuable time reading it. If thou wouldst return them to me, please ... -and the man made as if to retrieve the writing before it was too late.

But the Maia held it away from his reach and frowned.
Fate was sealed.
However, if Sauron had known what those lines contained, behind their clean and careful calligraphy, perhaps he would have thought twice before reading them.
First his cheeks, red with anger, turned livid. Then his eyes started opening more and more, he swallowed repeatedly, his pulse accelerated, and finally, red returned to his face, but this time a red of embarrasment and fluster.

When he finished reading the manuscript, up to the point where it was interrupted, he raised his eyes and looked shaken at his servant, there cowering against the wall. So innocent, and shy, and demure in appearance.
It was hard to believe that such a fragile little creature would harbour such great perversions in his mind. Compared to the acts described by that quill, the things he did in the bedroom with Melkor were almost innocent and unimaginative.
If Fëanor just knew about the use which had been given to his beloved alphabet in those papers...!
And worst of all, now the lieutenant couldn’t help but imagine his servant naked, doing and letting been done to him the thousand obscenities reflected there. Such was the magical power of words, able to conjure up images of things that never happened, as if they were before his eyes.
And these images in his head, caused the Maia certain familiar tingling and throbbing in the lower parts of his body.
He put the manuscript aside on the table, and rearranging the inseam of his trousers with unease, Sauron asked the inhibited man:

-Why do you write all these things if they have never happened? The written language is used to preserve events, bring messages, or narrate great feats and epic battles that deserve to be remembered forever. But you use the quill to describe intimate acts of bedchamber, that also exist only in your imagination. Why?

The Shadow of Sauron let out a sigh of grief, head down and unable to look at his master's face.

-Because I think about these things constantly, and I dream about them, and feel the need to write them down. Because that way they become more real, and for a moment, it's as if I truly lived them... And then I feel less alone.

The man rubbed his arms miserably, and the lieutenant felt very sorry for him.
Indeed, quite lonely and tormented had to be a creature who fantasized about being raped by Gothmog, neither more nor less.
On the other hand, he had to admit that the Second-born showed a capacity for invention (for better or worse) unmatched in Arda. An inquisitive mind was Eru's gift to Men, along with death. Although he would never understand why he had given them such a vivid imagination, together with such unbridled lust.
In a sudden flash, the Maia visualised once more the naked man, impaled on his member, sliding up and down through it, while his black lips said lasciviously: “Give me all thy cock, master, I want it all.”
The tingling in his groin became even more obvious and annoying, and without really knowing why, Sauron covered the distance between them with one stride and began to stroke the neck of his servant. To the latter’s surprise, he unclasped the robe over his shoulder and lowered it a bit.
The ring on his left nipple gave off a golden twinkle under the candlelight.

-I see that, in this aspect at least, your fiction is real. -he said, and caressed the nipple, sending a shudder of surprise and arousal through the body of the mortal. The Maia then leaned over him, until the man felt the warmth of his breath against his skin, and whispered:- I wonder what other things are real as well...

One of the lieutenant's hands ran down his back, grabbed his buttocks and fondled them, surreptitiously brushing his opening.
The Shadow of Sauron swallowed; the longest swallow of his life.

-Look, this is what we will do. -continued the Maia.- I must fulfil now certain duties that demand my attention in the fortress. Why don’t you get in the bath meanwhile and clean yourself thoroughly? Thus when I get back, maybe we could turn that little story of yours in a theater performance... and invent an ending. What do you think?

And giving him a light wet kiss on his Adam’s apple, the lieutenant turned away from him, replaced by a sudden rush of cold air.
Then he picked up the stack of papers with the perverse story, and prepared to leave the room.
The Shadow of Sauron fought against his astonishment, and against the arousal that dulled his senses in the form of an obvious erection, to dissolve the lump in his throat:

-Wait, master! Where art thou going with my manuscript?

-Oh, that! I want to show it to Melkor. He’s a little distant lately, and I want to make him horny. But I'll return it later to you. You don’t care, right? -there were few things in the world that the unfortunate man cared more about.- Alright then. And remember: wash yourself well for me, and don’t touch yourself until I return.

With that said, Sauron abandoned the room, leaving his servant alone again, with his unquenchable desire.

The first of his master’s orders, he fulfilled diligently.
The second one, not so much.

Chapter End Notes

And thus the noble tradition of porn stories was born in Angband in the First Age, and proudly continued by the Men of all ages thereafter. Of course Melkor, being the jerk he is, had to read the manuscript aloud in front of all the troops. And Gothmog had a hard time trying to convince everybody that he wasn't a rapist. The Shadow of Sauron didn't show his face in public for a while, but he got laid with his master, so they all lived happily ever after (and all that).

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