A Smear of Grey across the Sky by mangacrack

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Fanwork Notes

Fëanáro – Feanor
Telvo / Telufinwë – Amras
Pityo – Amrod
Kanafinwë – Maglor
Curufinwë – Curufin
Nolofinwë' – Fingolfin

Amras is around 5, in human years.

Fanwork Information


It was a wet and grey morning, on which Fëanáro had decided to surrender himself to the dull task of reviewing his students essays.

Major Characters: Amras, Fëanor

Major Relationships:

Genre: General


Rating: Teens


Chapters: 1 Word Count: 2, 046
Posted on 9 January 2014 Updated on 9 January 2014

This fanwork is complete.

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I've never written so much before for the Tolkien Fandom. I love it, but it always takes so long.

So, Feanor and his youngest son with some fluffy hurt/comfort.

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