Ambassador by Kaz

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Fanwork Notes

Fanwork Information


At Cuiviénen, Ingwë discusses his reasons for accepting Oromë's invitation to visit Aman and what he thinks the outcome will be with his sister. In Valinor, he learns how accurate those expectations were.

(Or: in which Ingwë knowingly walks into a trap and what comes of it.)

Major Characters: Indis, Ingwë, Manwë

Major Relationships:

Genre: General


Rating: General


Chapters: 1 Word Count: 2, 958
Posted on 12 February 2014 Updated on 12 February 2014

This fanwork is complete.

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Table of Contents

Because my brain insists on taking linguistic accuracy to new and absurd heights, this fic uses Primitive Elvish names (thankfully, for the most part, not too different from the ones people are more used to) along with Valarin for the Valar. A glossary is provided at the end. These aren't canon, they're just my best attempts at creating PE names that could have become the ones we're familiar with later. If anyone who knows more about PE->Quenya development wants to correct me on any of them, please feel free.

Content note: There is mention of/hinting at Indis/Míriel, but not enough (Míriel never actually appears) that I'd categorise this story as femslash.

Comments on Ambassador

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Thank you! :D Writing this story has completely changed my Indis headcanon, and I have to say I've become extremely fond of her and her relationship with Ingwë (although it didn't happen on this occasion, I am pretty sure she *has* tied him to a tree until he stops being stupidly self-sacrificial at least once...).