Colors of the Sky by Astris

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Fanwork Notes

The request went something like "I'm currently very interested in the Edain ladies of the First Age" and after several fits and starts I finally admitted that I was going to be writing about Eilinel (which was my first reaction upon reading the prompt, honestly). I had lots of fun expanding on her character, and I hope that this is an acceptable offering! :D

(Liberal use of Wikipedia applied to the bits about natural dyes – any inaccuracies are due to the fact that I'm writing about something I know next to nothing about, as usual ^^)

Fanwork Information


Eilinel knows how to spin color into cloth, and she knows who she loves. (It might take her some time to admit it, though.) Written at the I Need My Fics 2014 exchange for Elleth.

Major Characters: Eilinel, Glóredhel, Gorlim

Major Relationships:

Genre: Alternate Universe, Het, Slash/Femslash


Rating: Teens

Warnings: Violence (Mild)

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 7, 041
Posted on 19 September 2014 Updated on 19 September 2014

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on Colors of the Sky

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This is a really nice read! I loved how the color's theme recurred through the story and I found the attention put in describing which color comes from what wonderful. The style is extremely pleasant and very good at conveying emotions in additions to creating beautiful images. Despite my partiality toward the Fëanorians Noldor I feel it is refreshing and very interesting to see the great events described in the Silmarillion as they would have been lived by "common" people and you managed to show reactions to war and fear that seem very realistic, given the characters you used. I particularly liked how the voyage under Neril's command was depicted (you know you are doomed when you hope for Thingol's help.. XD). 

As for the characters they were all very vivid and each one had his/her own merits even though I cannot help but feel that Eiliniel's love for Gorlim was more of a child's love than the one she came to feel for Glóredhel since, by the time the two became a couple, Eiliniel had grown considerably and this is one of the things I liked the most, how you made her character change through the fic in a plausible way.  My only complain is that in this A.U. there will be no Brandir. XD

Congratulations again for this piece.

Thank you very much for the lovely comment! :D It's always a nice challenge to approach major events like this from minor character's points of view. And I'm so glad that Eilinel's development worked for you – childish love was exactly what I was going for with the dynamic between her and Gorlim, and it was fun trying to develop her from that point.