Of Finrod and Bëor by losselen

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Fanwork Notes

This poem is long in the making. I am constantly writing and rewriting this piece, which was first set to words in late 2013. The last few cantos are in the last phases of composition and editing. -March 2022

Revised March 2024

Fanwork Information


Here is a song called Of Finrod and Bëor as was sung in Rivendell in the Third Age of the world. It is but a fragment from the Lay of Felagund, which told the story of Finrod Felagund in full. It was first cast into Sindarin in Imladris by some of the High Elves who dwelt there for a time, and later into Westron.

I: Of Finrod tarrying in Ossiriand
III. Of Finrod spying Men in the woods
III: Of Finrod's song of Valinor
IV: Of the waking of Men and the conversation of Finrod and Bëor
V: Of the disquiet of the Green-elves and the passing of Men into Beleriand
VI: Of the death of Finrod Felagund and the deeds of the House of Bëor

Major Characters: Bëor, Finrod Felagund

Major Relationships:

Genre: Poetry


Rating: General


Chapters: 8 Word Count: 4, 040
Posted on 17 December 2014 Updated on 31 March 2024

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on Of Finrod and Bëor

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Oh! I've just read your first canto and simply had to pop a note to let you know I love it, and that I'm looking forward to reading your poem later when I have some more spacious time to savour it.

"Unsounding soft did Finrod tread" — how beautiful! Thks has to be my favourite line.

or this: "his singing voice had windless sped headlong, as clear as chiming glass."

Lovely! So pleased you updated so I could stumble upon it! Thank you!