Avenging Írissë by Scribe of Mirrormere

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Fanwork Notes

For the Legendarium Ladies April prompt "childhood". This particular scene takes place shortly after Amid Varda’s Halls. This was also a chance to shed some light on what other friends Aredhel had that went beyond just being friends with relatives (though some of the friends here are also relatives.)

Should note that Fingolfin is not the King of the Noldor in this tale, but young Aredhel does assume him to be.

Fanwork Information


After an unforgivable injustice, young Aredhel gathers her friends to plot on how to take down the king. A glimpse into Aredhel's childhood.

Major Characters: Aredhel, Fingon, Original Character(s)

Major Relationships:

Genre: Humor


Rating: General


This fanwork belongs to the series

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 213
Posted on 30 April 2015 Updated on 30 April 2015

This fanwork is complete.

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