The Seagull and the Wind by The Wavesinger

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Fanwork Notes

Written for the Tolkien Femslash Week Bingo.

Card: Pairings
Prompt: G31 - human/Ainu

Card: Lyrics and poetry
Prompt: G31 - “The petals reach inwards/the blue tips bend/towards the bluer heart/and the flowers are lost.”  - H.D

Fanwork Information


A seagull and the wind dance at the edge of the sea.

Major Characters: Elwing, Original Female Character(s)

Major Relationships:

Genre: Slash/Femslash

Challenges: Tolkien Femslash Week Bingo

Rating: General


Chapters: 1 Word Count: 156
Posted on 19 July 2016 Updated on 19 July 2016

This fanwork is complete.

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