The Last Rose of Summer by Sleepless_Malice
Fanwork Notes
[Disclaimer] – The elves are (unfortunately) not mine. They belong to J.R.R. Tolkien and Tolkien Estate – I just like to explore their lives a little further. No money is made from this story.
[Written] – for Ardor in August 2015
[Prompt] - Author's choice. Favorite characters include Elves of Gondolin except for Salgant, Beleg, Maglor, Maedhros, Fingon, Haldir, Elrohir, Elladan. Unrequited or unevenly-requited love, infidelity (real/potential/imagined), and/or jealousy are always favorite themes. I definitely have a jealousy kink. Ambiguous endings are fine-- don't force happily-ever-after if it doesn't feel organic to the story. Prefer characterization and drama to smut.
[Beta] – OohLaGalion, thank you for beta-reading this fic <3
[Timeline and background information] – Set during the peak of Gondolin’s splendor – FA 389 (Turgon found the hidden vale FA 53, the construction of the hidden city took over 70 years which means in FA 116 it was completed but still I think it took a while until the movement from Nevrast to Gondolin was accomplished and the people have settled into a normal life schedule. Aredhel left ~ FA 325 (“and when two hundred years had passed since Gondolin was full-wrought, she spoke to Turgon and asked leave to depart.”) She died FA 400 but I couldn’t find out when exactly she returned to Gondolin but I personally headcanon it must have been around FA 360/370 so she was around during the time the story is set.). As canonically, Glorfindel’s heritage remains dubious I won't touch this here. He accompanied the Ñolofinwëans across the Grinding Ice being close friend to both Turgon and Elenwë.
[Quenya – Sindarin Names]
Idril – Itarillë
Turgon – Túrukáno
Aredhel – Irissë
Glorfindel – Laurëfindil
Happy Ardor in August, kenaz. I hope I managed to satisfy your jealousy kink.
Fanwork Information
Summary: "It was customary for the noble Lords of Gondolin to celebrate – every week, beginning the week after Tarnin Austa, one of the great houses of Gondolin held an impressive celebration in honor of the labor it took to build the hidden city and of their king, who was dearly loved by all. The House of the Heavenly Arch marked the beginning of the special season, followed by the Houses of the Fountain and Swallow and their respective lords until the feast of the King marked the end of the endless celebrations. Today, however, it was the night of the Golden Flower, and it would most likely become a night to remember." ..and it indeed became a night to remember - but not as expected! Major Characters: Aredhel, Duilin, Ecthelion of the Fountain, Glorfindel, Penlod, Rog, Turgon Major Relationships: Genre: Romance, Slash/Femslash Challenges: Rating: Adult Warnings: Mature Themes, Sexual Content (Moderate), Violence (Moderate) |
Chapters: 1 | Word Count: 280 |
Posted on 9 November 2015 | Updated on 9 November 2015 |
This fanwork is complete. |
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